Altering Their Lives... (Chapter 1)

Aug 28, 2010 14:57

Title: Altering Their Lives
Rating: T
Characters/Pairing: Connor/Abby, Danny, Becker, Sarah
Authors Notes: I've had this idea for a while but didn't quite get the time to write it. And I've written the whole story so there'll be no delay with posting them. So, the idea is, Abby and Connor aren't happy with how the future (their present as they're about 50... eek)
looks and travel back in THEIR time to change THEIR lives so the future won't turn out as it has, the only was it'll work is if they make sure they never meet each other...

Altering Their Lives

character: sarah, character: becker, author: catjahatter, character: connor, character: danny, character: abby

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