(no subject)

Jan 19, 2010 09:50

Well this is my first post and I come with video <3

Title: Flames -- Connor/Wright
Author: samanthaevans 
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Do not own anything :)
Summary: I blame this video on my inherent optimism when it comes to such things (slash). I did another video, but WMG is...well I don't want to talk about them right now. *big breath* So, all right. Um. This is probably one of the most sappiest/saddest videos you'll ever see, which is partly due to liberal uses of black/white and sepia tones everywhere you look. On the other hand, the song is quite..."atmospheric" is the word I'm looking for I guess, and it goes to evoke a..."love/loss" type deal thing. Yes. Okay.

Fake cut to youtube is this way <3

vidder: samanthaevans, vid

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