Fic: Deja-Vu

Jan 07, 2010 09:54

Title: Deja-vu
Pairing: John/Marcus
Authors: falco_conlon and worlddescending
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Marcus Wright is sent back to protect John Connor.
Authors' Notes: This is a meshing of movie and TV canons and in doing so, we used some dates from one and some from others and meshed some facts. Yay, Terminator canon and its swiss cheesiness.
Warning: Major Character death (canonical), m/m slash (at about the 10K mark).
Word Count: 19800.
Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to us; we are poor, please don't sue.

For John Connor, the idea of not going anywhere with strangers had a special significance.

(thanks to ArtBadger and Delorita for letting us know about this comm :) )

author: worlddescending, author: falco_conlon, fic, crossover w/ t:scc, genre: slash, rating: nc-17

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