fuck me...

Nov 30, 2010 09:14

....its been a while since my last update, tbh i forgot i had an lj and my last post was about getting a new job and i still havent done as much as i should to that degree. i also forsee a night of an evening of catching up with what all you deranged fuckers have been up to but in the spirit of things update'y....

This is me publicly shaming myself....

...in the hopes that it will give me the kick up the ass i need to get some stuff done that i have been putting off and delaying for too long. so im making a list (and as i sit to type this i have no idea how long it shall be) with the intent of "crossing off" entries as i do them in the hopes that it visually shames me into doing it.

Barrys big list of "get shit done"

Set up barryneeson.com
update c.v.
get a new job
finish "little white lie" script
finish "toms thumb" story
finish "at-at" painting
start/finish star wars pin ups paintings
finish cameraheads painting
finish "the mind is a terrible thing..." painting
finish my sleeve tattoo design
finish the "optimous" painting
finish the "pac man" painting
finish the "frankenstien" painting
finish the "flying duck" painting
do the last "jedi vs zombies" strip
start running again
start drawing more "hungover" strips
start/finish "the secret" painting
draw the "save the dates" cards for Cara
make the duck tape sachel
put together the pitch for "gloom" game
put together the pitch for "oblivious" game
put together the pitch for "space hopper" game
fix my comfy jeans
photograph jewelry & figureines
put above on folksy
llok into studio space

finalcial list of things to do

Clear some dept (dept-o-meter?)
buy 2nd (bigger) moniter
buy tattoo equipment

possible things to do
Cull dvd collection

thats it for the mo, im sure i will add some but hopefully not before i have taken some off

also, i now sell jewelry, paintings and other things here http://www.folksy.com/shops/fromthemindof checkitout! coughchristmasiscomingcough

i also owe vonnie a dremel [/random fact]
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