Nov 26, 2007 14:18
Yep, and it only took two weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!! From Belgium to Spain in two weeks, not bad at all. Of course I can't go and pick it up today coz my brother is working away for two weks and some of my friends seem to have forgotten that they had friends before they had boyfriends (bros before hoes? Not possible here). Sometimes I understand what they're doing but others, the situation really pisses me off. My once independent and centered friends seem to have faded away in favour of stupid morons with no autonomy if they're not with or talking about their significant ones. Me not likey at all!!
This afternoon, the GDT will meet to celebrate Ander's birthday and of course Ibon's appendix will be there to spread her bad humour all around. I really hate her (me and all the others) but what really bothers me is that Ibon, my bestest friend in this shitty world, can't see how stupid she really is. I'm not looking forward this but I know sometime along the way, she's going to take him from us (manipulative whore that she is). Yeah I know Ibon is an adult and he can take his own decisions but let's face it, men are simple and women are bitches when we want to be.
I don't know what has happened with fanfiction factory but all the messages dissapeared yesterday evening and right now I get no response from the moderators. It would really be a shame if the page got closed coz it's one of the best Ii've found. People there are really charming and teh general atmosphere is welcoming and friendly. I hope someone can make it work again.