(no subject)

Jan 31, 2006 12:27

At least it wasn't my left hand. While can write with my off-hand, it does take longer than I'd like.

Tara's not happy, neither is Mia. Can't blame them, but at least they're alive and I'll face down Deathstroke some other day (hopefully somewhere that isn't about to explode). He left a note in my glove with a threat to come back and hunt us down if I let it get known he "went easy" on us.

How redundant. He'll cross paths with us another time, and he'll be out to kill that time. It's inevitable in this kind of life. He and Shiva both have a sense of honor about their mercenary work, even though both of them have the empathy of bricks and scum for clients.

We didn't have the time for a proacted battle, and when I realized he was just there to slow us down, I knew something was up. His usual tactics are lethal. If he wanted us dead, someone would have been dead - probably Mia or Roy. I was the one he was concerened about - it's flattering and pisses me off at the same time.

He wanted us roughed up, but able to recover - just enough to prove himself the alpha dog. I know that second clip he had wasn't rubber bullets. He NEEDED that point proved. Needed it enough to get hired by someone who was willing to blow herself, her father, and everything in a kilometer radius sky-high. He's not someone who risks his neck for a cause. He's in it for the money, and you can't spend that dead. Whatever Slade's trying to handle, it's gone very badly. His ragtag band of rogues is probably falling apart at the seams. Part of me says "serves him right" and part of me knows that the rogues are upping the stakes and getting wilder with their tactics since word about Light got out.

While desperate people make plenty of mistakes, the man with nothing to lose is dangerous indeed.
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