Rest in Peace, Dear Santa

Dec 22, 2004 21:01

If Jesus were for real
and Santa Claus were just a myth
then why he is more popular than Jesus?
If Jesus were for all ages
and Santa Claus were just for kids
then why we seem like loving him more than Jesus?
If Jesus had great look and shape
and Santa Claus were old and out-of-shape
then why he is The Mr. Popular for this season?
Maybe because Jesus rode a nameless donkey
and Mr. Claus named his deers.
Maybe because Jesus came from a poor family
and Santa had a toy factory.
Maybe because Jesus never grow old
and Santa hasn't been a young man.
Maybe because Jesus is for all the seasons
and Santa Claus is only for Christmas.
Maybe because they don't make many Jesus dolls
and Santa comes in many kinds of Christmas stuff.
Maybe because Jesus is Jewish
and Nicholas is Caucasian.
Maybe because we refuse to grow up.
Maybe because we prefer to live in dream than to face reality.
The One who died for our sins is Jesus.
The One who loves us unconditionally is Him.
The One who we will see face-to-face someday is The Son of God.
Not the generous Saint Nicholas.
Even if he were for real,
he is a dead man.
Christmas is for all ages,
not just for kids.
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