(no subject)

Sep 28, 2003 11:56

After doing Flight Of The Bumblebee getting all the Sunday School teachers the stuff they requested (there was abnormal amount of requests for supplies this week), I went to yet another tear-jerking service at my church. One of the men in the congregation is getting ready to go back to Iraq for two months. He, his wife, and their two kids were asked to come down front and our pastor had a special prayer for them, and there must have been a hundred people, including little kids who are in the boys' Sunday School classes, who came down to lay hands on them and pray for them. It was simply amazing.

I've still got the crud, and I'm convinced that no amount of drugs makes any difference whatsoever on this condition, and that no matter what I do, it's going to take the same amount of time and suffering it always does for the stuff to work its way through my system.

I saw Lost in Translation yesterday, and it is number two on my list of best movies I've seen this year, right behind The Magdalene Sisters. This list is not to be confused with my "favorites" list for the year, the top of which is still Pirates Of The Carribean (for now, though I think that will change when Return of the King comes out). But Lost is truly remarkable. Sofia Coppola's films are so understated and powerful (I lurved The Virgin Suicides). Bill Murray is not essentially any different than he is in most of his other films, but in this he is a more subdued version of himself and he's excellent. And Scarlett Johanson (sp?) has been a favorite of mine since The Horse Whisperer. I love the fact that she has a tummy pooch - I'm utterly sickened by the glorification of the Skinny Tramps from Hell. There's a scene in this movie where Bill Murray is on the phone with his wife trying to decide on a carpet color for his office that reminded me so much of what I think H/Hr would be like I almost laughed out loud.

On the debate front, I haven't really looked at it much in the last couple days, but I wrote a lengthy e-mail to an H/Hr shipper (who was thoughtful enough to give an in-depth answer to my question of why she disliked R/Hr), and spilled my own insecurities about my shipping stance (perhaps in hopes of getting her to admit that she has doubts about hers), and added only half-jokingly that if she ever used what I wrote against me in the DT, I would hunt her down and beat her mercilessly.

work, shipping, movies

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