The last installment before the Christmas Special, which I loved and which I'll write up soon. I shall call this episode Sick House.
- The business of putting the presents on display reminds me so much of The Philadelphia Story and Jimmy Stewart swiping the lighter.
- Okay, Lavinia's sweetness is getting a little nauseating.
- I do suspect that Sybil hasn't *quite* thought through everything her marriage to Branson might mean for her future, but gosh it's frustrating to see everyone assume that this is just a flight of fancy or some youthful lust.
- I feel bad for Thomas and his failed "business" venture, but there is some poetry about his awkward position at Downton now the soldiers are gone, especially after all his lording it over the servants when he was no longer a servant.
- LMAO another Dramatic Chipmunk moment for Robert!
- Another newfangled invention for Violet to boggle at - a GRAMOPHONE. Suddenly, I'm seeing Winston Churchill saying "Good God, man, have you never heard of downloads?" to the Doctor. :P
- "Don't be defeatist, dear. It's very middle class." I've warmed so much to Edith. I do hope that, as Isobel put it, there's a "right tree" for her.
- "Or have we overlooked who she is?" I love you so much for that, Cora. And LOL "If you're turning American on me..." Oh, Robert. Also, I don't know what the Spanish flu entails physically, but the way Cora is sitting and walking and protecting certain ... areas, I don't believe I want to.
- I love that Sybil's decision emboldened Anna to insist on marrying Bates.
- OMG there is a MAID in the dining room! If Carson weren't already ill, he'd have a heart attack! And she SPOKE! Thank goodness it wasn't Jane or it would be Elsie from Gosford Park all over again, calling Robert "Bob." :P
- SPANISH FLU ATTACKS! And Downton sort of becomes a hospital again. Love Violet talking about the ball where half the guests were dead from cholera before it was over and Robert's "Thank you, mamma. That's cheered us up no end."
- Oh, that image of Mary looking over the balcony at Matthew at the gramophone is one of the most romantic images I've ever seen, certainly on this show. I mean, yes, the dancing and certainly the kiss is lovely, but something about that look of longing is just so gorgeous.
- For some reason I really adore the detail of the flop show. "Zip Goes a Million" sounds so much like a musical that would have existed in the early 20th century.
- I think I like this kiss better than the one in Season 1. I suppose the fact that it's Forbidden gives it a bit more juice. And you've got to love Lavinia turning up and Mary's valiant effort to pretend nothing's happened (can't hide the red on her face, though).
- Hehehehe, Molesley got so nervous about serving dinner he drunk himself into a stupor.
- UGH, this stupid Robert and Jane thing. YOUR WIFE IS DEATHLY ILL, ROBERT! SUCH a bad writing call. Thank goodness for Bates. Robert suddenly wishing "everything were different" and Jane suddenly being rather bold and possessive. I'm glad they didn't mention this on the "romance" featurette, but then they didn't mention Edith and Major Bryant's affair either.
- I loved the scene with Robert and Branson. Robert thinking he could buy Branson off was icky, but absolutely typical of that class.
- It seems a tad calculated for Lavinia to get better and then suddenly get worse, but apparently that was the case for a lot of people who suffered from Spanish flu.
- Oh, O'Brien, I love you and your curly bangs. Siobhan Finneran is such a wonderful actress and I want to see her in other things now.
- The Ethel storyline turned out much better than I thought in the beginning. It's such a wonderfully complex situation, and it nicely mirrors the Gosford Park storyline with Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Croft.
- Lavinia's martyrdom is rather eye-roll-y, but oh, I loved "...but when I saw the two of you dancing, I thought 'How fine!'" ME TOO, LAVINIA! So it seems she suspected something from even before Matthew's injury, but thought it her duty to take care of him. And I did NOT like the implication that Mary wouldn't have been as good a nursemaid to him as Lavinia when we see Mary actually BEING a nursemaid when he's at his worst and we see nothing of Lavinia doing any such thing. I DO like that Matthew doesn't try to lie. He doesn't even bother denying that there is something between he and Mary.
- Mary's got your number, Sir Richard.
- I don't think I got a bigger laugh this season than at the look on Mary's face when Anna asks her if she can keep a secret. PRICELESS. Can it be that Anna has forgotten dragging a man's corpse across the house with Mary and Cora?
- Matthew/Mary may be my OTP, but the relationship between Mary and Carson might be my favorite on the show. I felt so bad last episode when he overheard her talking about how "butlers will be ten a penny now that the war's over." And it was nice to see them on friendly terms again, especially when Mary seems to be looking out for him now when it's nearly always the other way around.
- Heh. Why does Sybil call for Matthew AND Mary when Lavinia takes a turn for the worse? I guess, perhaps, she thinks she might need an extra hand at nursing duties, which would explain why Edith is up there, too. Carlisle trying to stop Mary from going up reminded me of Mammy in Gone With the Wind - "He's her husband, ain't he?"
- "I know Mary wa--" "NO!" Matthew is having some serious guilt. Can't even hear Mary's name. apparently.
- Oh gosh, the scene when Cora has recovered and she's talking to Robert. She KNOWS something was up with her husband. Maybe not specifics, but she clearly suspected she was losing him.
- Aww, Anna and Bates's wedding was very sweet.
- Aaaaand those sweet feelings are ruined by the last Robert/Jane moment. The fact that all this happens while Cora was near death just makes it even more revolting.
- Oh, I loved the little moment with Mary and Anna and the honeymoon suite.
- Sexytime with Mr. and Mrs. Bates!
- Was it usual back in the day to put a brass placard on the roof of a coffin, in case people weren't sure who was in there? Isn't that what the headstone is for?
- The return of that beautiful war theme - the music, I mean. I like Mr. Mason.
- Why are YOU sorry, Mary? Matthew ASKED you to dance, HE's the one who went on about how much he wished things were different, and HE's the one who kissed YOU. Sorry, that's just so weird. As dramatic as Matthew's "we're cursed, you and I" is, I love it a lot.
- "If you mistreat her, I will personally have you torn apart by wild dogs."
- LOL at Violet's optimism that they can make something respectable out of Sybil's marriage.
- *sigh* And so it begins. Will Bates's tribulations ever end? I have to say, though, that this has been a better story for him than being the victim of Thomas and O'Brien's plotting.