A bit of Fandom Old Home Week

Nov 14, 2011 03:36

So, naturally I was at the store Friday to pick up a copy of Deathly Hallows Part 2 Blu-ray. And naturally, once I got home from work Saturday morning, I popped it right in and watched the movie in Maximum Movie Mode. I've already shared with some of you the awesome commentary on the R/Hr kiss and how James and Oliver Phelps basically go down a laundry list of moments from the films that we TOLD AND TOLD people in the debate were shippy but they just wouldn't listen. I also watched the interview between Dan and Jo and the "Women of Harry Potter" segment, which is perhaps my favorite special feature. I'd really love to transcribe it at some point, because Jo says some awesome things about Molly and Hermione and Emma says some really awesome things about Ginny.

AND, while looking for a clip of Brad Neely, I found that some amazing person has done a sequel to Wizard People, Dear Reader. No, it's not Brad Neely himself, and yes, I know what you might be thinking about an imitator. But this is RATHER AWESOME, I have to say. "TheFakeBradNeely," as he calls himself, calls his creation "Spiders and Snakes, Dear Reader" and, as you might guess, it's for Chamber of Secrets. The propensity for name-changing of the characters continues in the spirit of the original. Lockhart becomes Chadwick Leopold Lovelace. Vernon and Dudley are the Beefstreet Boys. Ginny is "Gingy" Weasel. Our new narrator, however, seems to be in line with canon shipping. :P Here's the first chapter - be warned that this guy gets into the profanity even more quickly than Neely did (in short, NSFW). Most of the chapters are on YouTube, but several of them have been taken down for copyright issues. He's supposedly working on an audio file that people can download (it's apparently going to be re-recorded, too, so that there's less misreading and flubbing - there's not a lot of that anyway, but it's clear he did all these sections in single takes and there are a few flubs).

Seriously, click and listen. It's brilliant and does the original proud.

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