Caught Up With the Doctor, Baby!

Aug 26, 2011 17:28

Okay, so last time we talked, where was I? Ah yes, end of Series 5.

The two-part Series 5 closer was quite emotionally satisfying, but very confusing, and I'm not sure I could explain it if asked to. :P But OMG THE LAST CENTURION. Rory, you are endlessly awesome!

"A Christmas Carol" is definitely my favorite Christmas special so far. Definitely the Christmasiest, at any rate. Loved the way they played with Christmas Past/Present/Future. LMAO at Amy and Rory roleplaying on their honeymoon. Also, the Doctor and the kid fishing in the closet is CLASSIC.

And now Series 6 so far...
The Utah setting of the two-part opener was GORGEOUS, and the whole adventure with the moon landing and the Silence was epic. Oh, and how about that first ten minutes? Despite the "kick up the backside" the Doctor gave them, though, I'm sure we're not done with the Silence, since Amy saw one just before future!Doctor was killed. Oh yes, killed. Wondering how they're going to write their way out of that.

Speaking of the Silence - creepiest villains ever! Now you know that the next time you walk into a room and can't remember why you went in there ... it was the Silence. ENJOY THE NIGHTMARES, YOU'RE WELCOME! I love that they made them look a little like the classic bulb-headed, big-eyed Edvard Munch-y alien image that was so big after the moon landing and you still see a lot of today. Makes it even creepier to think that they *could* be real (but not really - OR ARE THEY???) and that some form of their appearance has stuck in our collective consciousness over the years.

The revelation about River at the end of "A Good Man Goes to War" brings up all sorts of interesting things about these two episodes. So she must be the little girl at the end who OMG REGENERATES, right? Which makes her the girl in the space suit, right? So does SHE kill the Doctor? Does she not remember, perhaps, because the Silence told her to do it (because it would be hella tacky of her to have shot that Stetson hat off his head if she knew)? Is the Silence connected with Eye Patch Lady (that's what I'm calling her, dealwidit)? Is that what they meant by Amy bringing the Silence to the world? Is the Silence somehow related to Melody/River?

Loved "Curse of the Black Spot" and how hard did my hand try to type "Pearl" instead?! :P I love it when some force that we assume is evil turns out not to be. And how many times now has Rory "died"? They officially can't kill him off, of course (*hopes*), because no one will believe he's really dead.

"The Doctor's Wife" - OMG! "I like biting - it's like kissing, only there's a winner." Best line ever, though - "Did you wish ... really hard?" So much wonderful, it's not even funny. Oh wait, yes it is. Only not the Amy and Rory stuff; that was terrifying. Did anyone else re-watch and notice that the TARDIS's last words were "the only water in the forest is the river"? I'd already seen the scene with River's Big Reveal, so I nearly died recognizing that line. (And watch Rory's face when River says that later. Oh, and River's face when she sees Rory in Stormcage! Makes me wonder, though - does she not know Amy's her mother when they meet in Series 5? Okay, I'm getting lost in all the timey-wimey.)

I need to re-watch Rebel Flesh and The Almost People, because I'm afraid I was too busy being grossed out by the Flesh makeup effects to pay much attention to how they fooled us with Amy and how they laid clues to the Doctor knowing about it.

And then there's "A Good Man Goes to War," which feels a lot like a finale with all the callbacks to previous characters. I gather there's not always a gap in the middle of series.

I have no words for how colossally awesome Rory's reveal is in the first few minutes. I really need to learn to give Amy more credit, because both her monologue here and what Rory overhears in "Day of the Moon" made me so angry the first time I heard them. I suppose Moffat is cheating a bit with the diversion of making us think she's talking about the Doctor by using familiar phrases. I mean, River used almost the exact wording ("dropped out of the sky") when she talks to Rory about first meeting the Doctor. But Rory confronting the Cybermen - in his Roman outfit, because the Doctor told him to wear it because basically it's more badass! - turns the awesome up to eleven. (And LOL at him telling the Cybermen "don't give me those blank looks"!)

I thought the young warrior girl was going to turn out to be River at first, but obviously not. And is it weird that I think the Silurians are kind of beautiful? Seriously, that's some pretty gorgeous makeup work.

There's a lot I could say about this most recent episode - in fact, too much. Surprised to see people thinking the "good man" who goes to war is Rory. Isn't the whole point of the episode how scary the Doctor is becoming and how dangerous it is to respond emotionally - especially for the Doctor who always makes mistakes when he gets emotional and HOO BOY WAS THAT THE CASE IN THIS EPISODE?! One thing bugging me about the last scene, though. What is written on the crib? I thought it was supposed to be the Doctor's crib, but something is apparently written on it that indicates who River is. What's that about?

Oh, and I read an article about "Let's Kill Hitler" that claims when we last saw the Doctor he was being held at gunpoint and forced to travel to 1938 to kill Hitler. Um, I don't remember that. Is there a short I've missed or something? I've seen the prequel with Amy's voicemail, and there's nothing about that there. Don't want to miss anything!

And now all that's left is to really hope the power holds out until the new episode downloads. :P

doctor who

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