Deathly Hallows trailer on MTV

Jun 06, 2010 21:50

I've only seen it once, so I can't remember everything, but Okay, now I've seen it a few times and taken notes on each shot.

The Harry/Ginny kiss is in there! Not the birthday scenario, but what I think it is is pretty awesome nonetheless. It looks like she's with them, for some reason, just before they sneak into the Ministry and [ETA: It's clearly Hogwarts, because there are kids in uniforms behind them running down the stairs - final battle, then *squee] it's kind of a "we may never see each other again, because you may die, here's something to remember me by" kiss. Again, I just saw it once (and, like, literally screamed), so I could be wrong. But it looks like they're outdoors (I think they were wearing coats?) and in front of some building or something and there's just nothing else that makes sense. [Except Hogwarts. :P]

Other things I remember...
- Ron yelling at Harry before he leaves about how his parents are dead and he doesn't understand what Ron and Hermione feel; Harry lunging at him
- I *THINK* there's a shot of Ron whacking (not stabbing) the locketcrux. I THINK there is.
- Some of the shots we've seen before
- New shot of Ollivander

Okay, there's a crappy version on YouTube. *watches again and again and takes notes*

- Landscape shot
- Voldemort in the (Forbidden?) Forest
- Harry releasing Hedwig *sniff*
- Shot of the Trio walking that we've seen before
- Harry and Voldemort in the Forest (Again)
- An exceedingly tall man (Death Eater, presumably) stopping the Hogwarts Express most badassily
- New shot of Ollivander
- Old shot of Hermione raising her bloody hands and splinched!Ron in background
- HARRY/GINNY KISS! Final battle, clearly, instead of birthday (or perhaps in addition to?)
- Harry at Dobby's grave on hill by Shell Cottage
- Ron with his arm around Hermione; looks like just after they escape from Malfoy Manor and arrive at Shell Cottage
- Shot of Harry, presumably reverse shot of Ron/Hermione above
- Harry lying on the ground (what is this?)
- Harry in agony, apparently at Hogwarts
- Harry casting spell in the diner that they have to escape from
- Shot of Trio in wedding gear in Picadilly Circus that we've seen before
- "...know how this feels?" "No, you DON'T know how it feels! Your parents are dead! You have no family!"
- Ron - I'M PRETTY SURE - whacking the locketcrux like a mofo!
- Dragon in Gringotts
- Some shield thingy over Hogwarts
- Several shots of Trio running from the Snatchers
- Shot of Harry by a tree, staring at something, while Ollivander says (in voice-over) "You really don't stand a chance."

Um, that's it. Someone get it online quick, so we can pore over it!

dh movie

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