[POLITICS] Debate Running Commentary

Oct 15, 2008 21:00

Let's see if I can do this while working on my movie post for the day. *doesn't count on it*

I like Bob Shieffer. I also like that he's promised to do follow-up questions himself if no one else does.

"People are hurting/angry/want new direction." New lines, please!

Both candidates are doing a good job of answering without attacking so far. I think it's at least partly the format. It's just hard to snark on someone when they're sitting next to you.

Okay, scratch that part about not attacking. How does he not feel dirty using an example from an Obama event?!

"He's been watching McCain ads." BAM!

I think Joe the Plumber is the real star of this debate. Perhaps we should lay off him for a bit.

Mr. McCain - it was a hero of YOUR party, Oliver Wendell Holmes, who said (probably paraphrased) "Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society."

Here we go with the old "answer what you want." - Get him, Bob! - A hatchet and THEN a scaplel! "I'll hack off your arm and THEN work on your shoulder with a scalpel."

*takes a swig* "I know how to blahblahblah."

*sigh* Again with the projector. You do realize that it's not JUST a projector, right? That it's the renovation of a planetarium? Something that's going to enrich the education of our children?

"If you want to run against President Bush, you should have run four years ago." O RLY, Mr. 95%?

Yes! Let's look at your records, if you want to distance yourself from Bush! Good luck with that!


I can't help picturing Darrell Hammond as John McCain here - "I'm not the most popular guy in my party ... I put a cherry bomb in Lindsey Graham's office toilet ... destroyed his whole plumbing!"


*waits for McCain to - yep, there we go with the Town Hall whinge*

Yeah, deny the 100% negative ads, if you dare.

Heehee! The gloves are off - FINALLY! And heck yeah to the fact that the Town Hall thing is NO EXCUSE for all this crap!

Was that a big *SIGH* I heard from McCain? Can you make your disdain a little more clear, please?

"We've always sad that that is inappropriate." Um, when? NO YOU HAVEN'T! You responded to "Terrorist!" with a smirk and then KEPT GOING.

And there it is, Bill Ayres and ACORN.

McCain looks like a blinking wax statue.

Um, no, that's not what your campaign is about. Your campaign is about whatever it takes to win, sir.

I love Bob Shieffer more every minute - "Why would your VP make a better President?" This could be a landmine, but Obama's not even going there with Palin. Let's see if McCain can show the same class. And let's see if I can keep from laughing at his answer.

Hee! Can't increase funding for special needs if we have an across-the-board spending freeze.

Hmmm. Obama shows Palin way more respect than she deserves, McCain uses the word "cockamamie" to describe Biden.

Um, McCain? Transparency doesn't mean we don't spend. You keep using that word - I do not think it means what you think it means.

Dude, do you have an electric buzzer in your coat that reminds you to insert a jab every 12 seconds?!

McCain, you're one to talk about "looking at" urgent problems, Mr. Blue Ribbon Commission to figure out the economic crisis.

Enough with the heavy sighs!

Ugh! That is NOT TRUE! (McCain's characterization of Obama's health care plan, since I may not be able to tell later.)

I love the split-screen.

Ooooooooh, Roe v. Wade time!

I'd buy that "based on their qualifications" answer if your VP were actually, yanno qualified for the job she's running for. HAHA, you basically just went back on your answer by saying that their position on RVW would be part of their qualifications.

Bad, bad, BAD answer on abortion, McCain. Very Bad. *wags finger at you and your little air-quotes*

Hee! Way to bring up equal pay!

The facial expressions of the candidates when they're not speaking are the BEST. I loved this about the Bush-Kerry debates, too.

Response lines WAY up on Obama's education answers. Probably highest they've been for him so far tonight. Could not be HIGHER when he said "turn off the TV, put away the video games..."

*sigh* It's not throwing money at the problem. It's just like the hatchet/scalpel illustration.

"That was vouchers, that was vouchers!" Vouchers are not a panacea, sir! And GAH, AGAIN! Transparency does NOT equal no more money!

And there goes the Town Hall whinge again.

Um, no you don't got it, McCain.

Not nearly so many "my friends"es tonight.

I'm glad he's giving them a closing statement, because that's what they'd be saying anyway, regardless of the question. :P

*relief* Well, that's over. Can we vote now? :D


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