Sep 14, 2005 10:33
* I love this icon to bits. It never fails to make me laugh.
* Watched The Life Aquatic last night. I love Wes Anderson's deadpan sense of humor. It's a perfect fit for Bill Murray. I had heard lukewarm things about it when it was in theaters, but I highly enjoyed it. Willem Dafoe's Klaus, the cute little Zissou musical theme, the "bond company stooge" turning hardcore ("we f***in' stole it, man" made me laugh SO hard), and "Don't shoot him; he's an unpaid intern." This movie is adorable.
* Ants. There are ants all over the church where I work. In the pews. In the offices. In the cubicles. Crawling out of some people's keyboards. I'm guessing they're a consequence of all the contruction that's been going on the last few months and everything being so open and exposed. Still very annoying.
* Isn't it funny how other people's bad behavior can wake you up to your own? I had one of those moments last week. I was about to do something really self-involved and potentially hurtful to someone else. Then, just before I did it, I saw someone else being really self-involved and hurtful and I saw what a mistake I was about to make. This happens a lot when I feel like gossiping, too (in fact, it happened yesterday) - I see someone else do it and think "Um, no. I don't think that's a good idea." Providence is interesting that way.
* Just a little over 2 months until Goblet of Fire is released. And just a little over two weeks until Serenity comes out. Eeeeeeee!