But I guess you could figure that out from my last two survey posts eh? lol!
Well, how about a little update here. Not much excitement to really post about. Family is doing well. Everyone is healthy. Spring is getting closer by the day and I'm SO READY! I just had my 2 yr. anniversary at work. I also had my evaluation *gulp*! It actually went very VERY well. I got a $2/hr raise and some other great benefits I wasn't expecting so needless to say, I'm thrilled. It was actually on Friday the 13th so when my boss told me that was the day of my evaluation, I can't say I jumped for joy. In all actuality, she's an awesome boss and I knew it would go well, but still, an evaluation on Friday the 13th just kinda makes a body nervous *giggle*
Valentines went well. My mother and father-in-law kept the girls so John and I went out to eat with 3 other couples. We were going to go bowling afterwards but the lanes were sold out! CRAZY! Not much else to do in a smaller city but we still had fun at dinner. Earlier in the day, we went to look at wide screen TV's. Ok..not only did we look at them...we bought one . It's a 55 inch. Thing is HUGE. Our friends have a 65 inch and it is very nice but WAY too big for my living room. I didn't want something that was going to take over the room. We also bought a surround sound system for it. It sounds VERY cool! We put our Tomb Raider DVD in and it was very impressive, lol! Needless to say, I received no flowers, chocolate or jewelry on Valentines day but that's ok. Maybe next year *wink*
Um...oh, here's something fun...I bought one of those
6-second ab thinger dinger's. Guess it's the perfect sit-up everytime. It was 80 bucks after s&h but I think I'll like it. I have 30 days to send it back if I don't I suppose, LOL! Gotta get ready for swimsuit season yannow!
Well...that's about all that's new here. Yeah...exciting stuff. Don't I know it. ;-)