Pardon the cheesy title but i find it emensely fitting... so much so that i can't spell imensely correctly...
As most of you know- i am addicted to horrible things.. Movies, tv shows, plays, musicals, etc. I love the truly horrendous trash that can't really be sold to anyone NOT similarly afflicted. Which is why i own such gems as Orgasmo, Cannibal, and THe Pirate Movie. -all of which i have the musical cd's for as well so shouldl i go into "horrendous crap" withdrawl I'll be able to inject myself with wretchedness no matter where i am. Luckily though- I have all of you who worship the shrine of wretchedly bad things as well. (I look at Sean and Dave particularly here) HOwever, one of my wretched things ismissing!!! My copy of dance of the vampires has been missing for far too long. It's thus far been un-replaceable since the entire musical/theatrical world wouldl like this P.O.S. to be forgotten forever. but today, my preciouses, I found a copy of it for sale!!! with original cd inserts!!! yeah!! my horrid collection of crap is almost complete. This is probably the most horrible musical ever written and makes HONK! ~my before-this most hated musical~ look brilliant. and there is a german version of this!!! yes the german's don't have ANY taste at all.. They love Hasslehoff and "Tanz der Vampires". Truly a tasteless people.. so while i shall buy this cd and laugh at how long it takes someone to watch another person. YOU can read this rather funny review and if you truly haven't seen the website for Dance of the Vampires.. I invite you to that as well.. just looking at it will make you young theatre people out there realize that dignity should be in everything you do.