Baby's room

Oct 14, 2012 16:55

Since we know of baby's existence, one of those exciting stuff would be the decor of our baby's room. I m still deciding between wallpaper and wall decal.

Hb prefers wallpaper because wall decals can show the flaws of our current wall even with a paint over. I prefer wallpaper too. Hehe.

We should be going to Goodrich wallpaper to take a look the next month when we will also be engaging James' help to build up a full height cabinet (so I can move my bags over too =p). All these will be done after I have delivered our boy and during my hospital stay. Superstitious, so as to play safe.

What is going to be included in the baby's room would be a cot, a portable storage shelving and his rocker which Ching is passing to me when she is back for a short holiday here and hb's colleague bought us an electronic rocker..that's so sweet of her.

Seems like we have extra rockers to go around the house, I can place one in our bedroom so we do not need to move it around often. Also, when I am back to work, I can leave one in my mum's place when my boy goes over.

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