SO... i realize that i haven't been on this for some time, but thats just becaus eim lazy and i have nothing to talk about. SO I HAVE COME TO A CONCLUSION that i dont intend to make time to constantly keep writting on this little things at a time but to instead write a summery of e vents at a time.... UNLESS somethign comes up that i just have to write.
so... since i've been gone...
many things have passed,
well basically..CHRISTMAS.
-hmm i didn't do much except went to rissa's house on christmas eve....opened presents....
went home..
christmas mourning..opened presents from parents and brother...
-got $100 from brother
-got guess putse with $40 in it, guess sweater, and a REAALL GUCCI PURSE from my parents <3
then went to ajays fam jam...played games, i was on the green team with aila and angel.."JINGLE BELLS ORANGE SMELLS, GREEN'S GUNNA WIN THIS GAME, YOU ARE SOUR WE HAVE POWER....YOUR HAVE KILI KILI POWER!!!..." ......." MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY GREEN!!"
..hmm then there was Sha's Birthday, where as everyone must all already know i was fuckked....first i was unbelieveable drunk with my YUMMMMMMYYYY drinks, then i just had to get high?... blah o well.
and as for presnt tense,
theres nothign to say thats been going on except my love is not here with me to spend new years with.. he's off in the states somewhere.... and i miss him dearly. =(.
its hard being at your house sleeping on your bed knowing your not there,
this is the longest ive had to go on with out seeinyou...holding you...kissing you...sleeping beside you....EVERYTHING. and its so hard, and i know im selfish cause i want you all to myself but i cant help it =( I LOVE YOU BABY...... NOW COME BACK TO ME !!!
(pictures later)