It's official. Keelan Danku = greatest girl ever I wish would live closer to me. She knows how to make my day complete.
last night I got invited into a chat room with Ty, Morgan, and Branden. We ensued the greatest comeback/insult war ever. it was GREAT.
Occasionally, one will find a piece of burried tressure, that you can't believe you had ignored for so long. This particular incedent happened to me last night. I was going through some dci cd's, and I put in the 2nd disc of 2002. I listened to the Crossmen... omg. I wanted to kick myself for having ignored the show (although I'd listened to it, I'd never watched it, nor given it a second glance.) the show is freaking awesome. They played "Heat of the Day" "Candle in the Window" and "Strawberry Soup." Great... it is easily now my favorite Crossmen show ever, and easily into my top 10.
Needless to say, I began finding tressures in these cd's I didn't know existed... Captial Regiment 2002 was another great one. Seriously, just because a show doesn't make finals, doesn't mean it's not fantastic. I strongly suggest everyone purchases a copy of the 2002 dvd, or cd, and watch/listen to some of these masterpieces. 2002 is now officially my new favorite year in DCI.
I'll end this post with a cool pic of Crossmen 02.