(no subject)

Jun 22, 2005 11:01

I hate waiting.

Everyone has left, and Mylee just took off. That's not good. I hope she's okay, but right now, my bigger worry was Angelina. Not that I thought Wesley would hurt her or anything, but I'm finding that I hate not being with her. No, I'm not clingy or anything.

So there we were, waiting on Angelina, and we weren't talking all that much, but it was more out of boredom than not liking each other. I'm sure she likes me. She seems to approve, and that's good. I mean she's my girlfriend's sister. And we all live together, thanks to Gwen, so everything's cool. I love that house and everything is just going along so smoothly.

Come on, Angie, what you could be talking to Wesley about for so long? I miss you, come back down here. I leaned against the banster of the stairs and looked up, not that I could see her or anything. Gwen just shook her head at me, like what a dork in love. I didn't care. I wanted Angie back, and I wanted to get this little trip to Wolfram and Hart over as soon as possible. I didn't like Wolfram and Hart and I didn't want to be there for very long.

She finally came down, and I couldn't help but smile. We left for Wolfram and Hart immediately, and we agreed we wanted this over with as quickly and efficiently as possible. We parked, walked inside, headed straight for Angel's office, where we saw him talking to Hamilton, almost like they were buddies or something. How disgusting, but I guess he had to make good with the guy or risk hell from the senior partners.

I saw him look up and see us, smiling. Here goes nothing...

[Open to Gwen, Angelina, Hamilton and Angel]
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