unicornsmith is entering herself into the 50 book challange, I think I will too. Haven't finished any of my books yet, but here's a list of the ongoing ones:
1)The Ambler Warning by Robert Ludlum - For those of you who are unfamiliar with the author, this guys wrote the book The Bourne Identity. It's about an American operative shut up in a "government-run hospital for former intelligence employees in possession of highly classified information." He's there because everyone thinks he's crazy, but, naturally, he doesn't and must escape to prove it. It's not bad. The writing style is decent. (Huzzah for not writing like Dan Brown. Ugh.) Not crazy about the main character, but at least he's intelligent.
2)Wolf's Head, Wolf's Heart by Jane Lindskold - Everyone is familiar with the Mowgli from the Jungle Book. This is the sequel to an ongoing series about a feral female teenager set in a mideval fantasy setting. Very well written, and really good. What I like most about this series is the number of strong female characters in the cast. Unfortunately, it seems more of an exception these days in books.
3)The Adventure's of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain - I've only managed to read the first few pages of the book before putting it down because I detested how Twain wrote the book. This is the third time I've tried to read it, and I'm halfway through it. It's surprisingly good, although their are characters that I have trouble interpreting like Jim. (Heh, this is usually the book I have on my desk and read while I have to wait in line for WoW to boot up, or during an unusually long flight path.)
4)Many Waters by Madeleine L'Engel - This is about the second or third reread of the book. It's not one of my favourites mainly because I find Sandy and Dennys to be too interchangeable like Merry and Pippin in Lord of the Rings.
I've been wondering if comic books count on this one. Currently finished/reading:
1. Supermarket by Brian Wood - finished reading (how I love downloading comics! It's the best way to predetermine whether you want to buy it or not.)
2. Planetary by Warren Ellis and John Cassidy - ongoing. This is drawn by the same guy who is currently doing the Astonishing X-Men run with Joss Whedon.
3. Astonishing X-Men - only wanted to read it because Joss Whedon was writing it. I hope he writes more X-titles.
4. Kabuki: Alchemy by David Mack - ongoing. Waiting for issues 8 and nine to come out, so I can get the rest delivered to me. Wish Mack would hurry up with them.
5. DMZ by Brian Wood - great series, and still going.