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Sep 18, 2008 00:06

  • 00:14 as I drift off to sleep, i ponder life after Wisconsin. Someday I'll actually leave this state for good, ya know. I just don't know when. #
  • 08:34 I love it when my brain coughs up random crap from the past...Nintendo Breakfast Cereal. Did anyone ever actually eat that? #
  • 09:40 Man, today is just CRAWLING! Doesn't help that I've got my 90 day review for the new position this afternoon...kinda nerve-wracking. #
  • 19:31 @ trapped kungaloosh, Earl! Give the adventurers my regards! #
  • 20:31 @ trapped nooooooo! they'd damn well better give refunds tonight! #
  • 21:08 @ trapped i know you usually stick w/beer, but here's for a cold. 1.5 oz Jameson, 1/6 lemon w/3cloves, 1tbsp honey, top up w/boiling water. #
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