FIC: You Can Leave Your Hat On

Aug 05, 2008 22:31

 Title: You Can Leave Your Hat On
Author: Conjunkie
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: NC-17 - PWP Smut M/M Sex.
Summary: When Ianto Jones walked into Jack's office wearing something unexpected Jack's night  was suddenly anything but routine.
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by Russell T Davies and the BBC. No copyright or trademark infringement is intended and no money is being made
Warning: Theres images under the cut along with my author notes so may not be dial up friendly but I did try and shrink them as much as I could and thankyou to
spaceygal64 for letting me use them.

Author's Notes: Okay this story was inspired by these to pictures of Gareth at Sex Wales and Anarchy...... Really I can say anymore the title pretty much says it all :) Thank you to my wonderful betas
cs_whitewolf &

You Can Leave Your Hat on

Jack was totally undone as horny as hell it had been a while since he’d seen Ianto like this, so relaxed so comfortable in his own skin. Jack was sitting at his desk intently watching Ianto as he leant against the doorframe. The tee-shirt he wore stretched tightly over trim muscles and the faded denim jeans hung low on his slender hips revealing a patch of naked flesh Jack’s fingers were itching to touch. He was truly a sight to behold; but what had Jack’s rapt attention, what had his cock hard enough to drive in nails was the black leather hat on Ianto’s head. It did all kinds of things to Jack’s insides and he squirmed in his chair.

Ianto looked practically edible, an all you can eat buffet laid out before his eyes and Jack was ravenous. His eyes travelled slowly up and down Ianto’s torso with such focus it left the younger man deeply aroused. Ianto was determined however not to show Jack exactly how much he was turning him on. No, tonight is going to be on my terms, I’m in charge, he thought. Ianto smirked as his Captain tried to undress him with his bedroom eyes. With an almost feline grace Ianto straightened up removing himself from the doorframe and closing the office door behind him. He stalked slowly towards the desk.

“So, you like what you see then?”

“Oh yeah, and not that I mind, because I seriously don’t, but what’s with the outfit?”

“You gave me the day off.”

“Okay, still not getting it.” Jack drawled.

Ianto rolled his eyes and sighed softly, “Jack I’m twenty five years old; do you honestly believe that suits are all I wear?”

Looking suitably chagrined Jack shook his head slowly, “No, I guess not, so why are you here? I seem to remember telling you to take the time and go and do something fun.”

“Oh I am; I’m following your instructions to the letter.”

“Oh you are, are you?”


“Care to explain it to me then?”

“Well you told me to do, as you so quaintly put it, ‘something fun’.” Ianto answered his fingers making air quotes as he spoke. “So I decided that what I wanted to do was you, it would certainly be fun, I know I for one would enjoy it.”

Jack didn’t think it was possible but his straining erection leapt at the suggestion and if anything got even harder. He was a control freak he needed to be in charge, but the thought of relinquishing that control, the thought of letting Ianto take him sent a shiver of need coursing through his body.

“I’m planning to bend you over the desk and fuck you senseless. Is that something you might be interested in, sir?”

It was strange seeing Ianto stood there in casual clothes and calling him sir with that tone of voice. It was soft and assured; Ianto knew exactly how to push all his buttons and that thought alone managed to fry several of Jack’s brain cells. This could very well have been the reason why he failed to answer Ianto’s question. Jack knew he was in trouble when Ianto folded his arms across his chest and looked at the older man expectantly.

“Well?” he said softly.

“Sorry, oh yeah, believe me when I say there are important parts of me giving that idea a standing ovation right about now.”

“That’s good to know,” Ianto purred.

Jack started to rise from the chair intent on walking round the desk and moulding himself to Ianto’s body, only to be stopped dead in his tracks.

“What the hell do you think you are doing? I can’t believe you’ve broken the rules already, I’m very disappointed in you.”

“I wasn’t aware there were any rules to break.” Jack replied smirking.

“Well, that just goes to prove what little attention you’ve paid to everything I’ve just said, doesn’t it?” Ianto pouted. “Tonight I’m in charge; I get to say when you can speak, when you can touch. Now I intend to fuck you but if you can’t follow simple orders then I will walk out that door leaving you with only your hand to amuse yourself. Have I made myself perfectly clear?”

Jack nodded mutely not daring to speak in case that was considered flouting the rules again.

“Good, you’re learning, now sit down.” Ianto ordered.

Jack flopped back down into his seat his erection pressed uncomfortably against the fabric of his trousers which rubbed on the leather cushion. Ianto caught the older man’s eye smirking wickedly; he’d already noticed Jack’s obvious predicament and wondered idly just what it was that had sparked his arousal. Ianto was relishing the prospect of nailing Jack, he wasn’t a natural bottom but because the Captain craved control Ianto had willingly taken on the role.

Jack was a considerate lover and whether the sex was hard and fast or slow and passionate he always made it enjoyable for both of them. The trust that Jack was showing him by giving up control was not lost on Ianto and he was determined to make the experience memorable. Of course that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to tease his lover relentlessly first though. He took a step forward leaning over the desk until his face was inches from Jack’s. He laughed impishly sending puffs of warm air ghosting over the older man’s cheeks.

“You seem to have something of a problem there; if you’re good maybe later I’ll take care of that for you. So what was it, what got you hard? Was it the thought of my cock thrusting inside you? Does that excite you?”

Ianto gripped the Captain’s chin kissing him soundly before his slim fingers glided across Jack’s cheek cupping his face. The older man tried to lean into the touch but Ianto pulled away smiling.

“Oh no you don‘t, I haven’t even got started yet, by the time I’m finished you’ll be begging for it.”

Ianto removed himself from the desk and stood in the middle of the room. He gazed at Jack with a wicked gleam in his eye and a devilish smile playing across his lips.

“Here’s what I want you to do, place your hands on the arms of your chair, don’t move them. No matter how much you want to touch yourself, don’t.”

Ianto closed his eyes and licked his lips slowly, trying to slow down his thundering heartbeat. He wanted this, wanted to be inside Jack so badly it hurt; he took a steadying breath, regaining his control before opening his eyes. When he spoke his voice was dripping with barely concealed lust.

“I’m going to take my clothes off slowly; I want you to watch me, every time I touch myself I want you to imagine that it’s your hands touching me. I’m going to make you come so hard you’ll be seeing stars. Are you ready?”

Jack nodded, placing his hands on the arms of his leather chair. His head was spinning, his breathing ragged, and he was so turned on he could probably illuminate the whole of Cardiff!

Ianto turned his back to Jack and then slowly almost deliberately bent over, stretching the denim over his gorgeously pert buttocks. As he removed his trainers and socks Ianto wiggled his arse provocatively at Jack. The bastard, he knows exactly what he’s doing to me. It’s always the quiet ones. They’re the ones you have to watch. Jack thought dazedly as he took another ragged breath.

He watched as Ianto carefully placed his trainers on the floor to his right hand side, out of harms way. Ianto then rolled his socks together into a neat ball and stuffed them inside his left trainer. He straightened up slowly his fingers skimming over his denim clad limbs. Jack tracked the movement imagining his fingers in place of Ianto’s and was barely able to suppress the moan as it tried to escape his lips. Images assailed his mind, his fingers digging tightly into the leather as he fought against every instinct he had to reach out and touch.

When Ianto turned back towards Jack his thumbs were nestled inside the waistband of his jeans. His eyes sparkled with delight, his tongue flicked slowly over his lips leaving a glistening trail and as Jack gazed, transfixed, he realised that he’d never wanted to kiss anyone more than he wanted to kiss Ianto right now. It was then he caught sight of the younger man’s burgeoning erection as it tented the front of his jeans. Jack couldn’t help but admire Ianto’s remarkable composure in light of the considerable bulge he was currently sporting.

Ianto’s eyes cast down his torso towards his straining arousal. Noticing Jack staring hungrily at his groin Ianto decided to tease him mercilessly. He moved his right thumb from the waistband of his jeans and cupped his fingers around his arousal moaning low in his throat as the course material rubbed against his hardness.

“Is this what you want?” Ianto moaned again squeezing his fingers just a little tighter adding more pressure. “Can you feel me, beneath your fingers; is this how I respond when you touch me? Should I press a little harder?” Ianto said throwing his head back and groaning loudly.

Jack’s fingers gripped even tighter to the leather as he watched mesmerised at the wanton display Ianto was giving. The younger man’s eyes locked with his own casting him a look that was positively sinful.

“I’m afraid I already have plans for this, so I guess you’ll just have to be patient for a little while longer. Think you can do that?” Ianto asked giving his erection one final squeeze before removing his fingers. “Now where were we? Oh yes, that’s right,” Ianto smirked deviously “driving you to distraction, is it working?”

Jack nodded stunned by the sudden switch in Ianto’s persona, how he could go from deeply aroused to torturous tease in a matter of minutes was beyond him.

“Good, I’d hate for all this work to be for nothing.”

His fingers danced over the belt buckle unfastening it sliding it from his jeans inch by inch. When the belt finally slipped free he twisted it around his wrist into a tight spiral placing it on top of his socks and trainers. Jack observed Ianto intently following the path of his questing fingers as they returned to his torso. They reached the expanse of exposed naked flesh between the hem of Ianto’s tee-shirt and the waistband of his Levis. The pads of his fingers skated across the smooth planes sending a shiver of pleasure racing through his body.

It was the same flesh Jack’s hands had been itching to fondle ever since the Welshman walked into his office earlier that night. Jack could feel the soft warm skin beneath his fingers remembering how it trembled with desire at his touch. He opened his mouth and before he could stop himself an involuntary lust soaked groan fell from his lips. Jack froze waiting for Ianto’s reaction. When Ianto shook his head and tutted Jack’s heart rocketed into his throat. Stupid, stupid, stupid, you couldn’t just keep your trap shut could you, Jack? No you had to go and ruin it; you had to find a way to fuck this up, you stupid son of a bitch.

Ianto noticed the change in atmosphere almost immediately; the playful teasing air had been replaced by resignation. Jack sat in the chair behind his desk wearing a mask of defeat unable to look Ianto in the eye. He waited for his punishment fully expecting the younger man to pickup his clothes and walk out the door carrying out his earlier threat.

Ianto stood motionless in front of Jack’s desk trying to figure out what had killed the mood he’d set. It was then that he remembered his idle threat to Jack, the wonderful groan that fell from the older man lips which was music to his ears, his teasing tut. Ianto closed his eyes and swore quietly under his breath, shit he’s waiting for me to leave, he thinks I meant what I said; I’ve got to fix this Ianto thought determinedly.

“It’s ok, Jack, I liked hearing you, I want to know how I make you feel, just let go.” Ianto said softly dropping out of character for the first time since he’d started the show in Jack’s office figuring it was the only way he would believe him.

Jack’s head lifted his eyes shining with relief; he risked a saucy grin and was elated when Ianto rewarded him with a sexy seductive smile.

“So go on then, tell me what I’m doing to you right now?”

“Ianto, you have no idea.” Jack panted huskily.

“Well then, I suggest you tell me sir, it’s not nice to keep a boy waiting, oh and the no touching rule still applies.”

Ianto slipped seamlessly back into character confident that they had recaptured the earlier mood hoping to continue where he’d left off. Jack’s heart hammered in his chest, he hadn’t realised how much of a turn on Ianto calling him sir was until tonight. He made a note to add it to the list of things he’d learnt about his incredibly sexy lover. He swallowed hard before he spoke.

“You’ve got me so hard I can’t think straight, all I want to do is leap over this desk and kiss you senseless, but I know how much you want this, I want it too. So I’m really trying to behave, you’re not making it easy though, do you know how fucking sexy you look right now?”

“Well you know what they say about flattery.” Ianto answered smiling warmly then continued, “I know you have tried, and I appreciate your willingness to behave, you will be rewarded for your efforts.”

“Oh really, so what did you have in mind?”

“Now, sir, that would be telling, patience as they say is a virtue; trust me you won’t be disappointed.”

“Not even a little hint?” Jack pouted.

“No, and I’m beginning to think you’re still far too coherent for my liking; I think it’s time to rectify that, don’t you?”

“Give it your best shot, Ianto.” Jack smirked.

“Oh I intend to, you can count on that.”

Ianto, never one to back out of a challenge when it was issued, slid his hands underneath his tee-shirt hitching it up slowly and revealing inch after inch of perfect skin. Ianto’s fingernails skirted over his ribs and soft breathy gasps coloured the air. The fabric rose higher revealing two pert nipples and a light spattering of chest hair. Jack was once again engrossed in the private performance Ianto was giving him. Ianto’s tee-shirt was now tucked up tightly under his armpits but he hardly seemed to notice as he took two slender fingers and sucked them into his warm, moist mouth, groaning softly around them as he sucked them expertly.

“Jesus, Ianto.” Jack cried out breathlessly.

Undeterred, Ianto’s slicked fingers slid down his chest through the soft bristles leaving a wet trail in their midst. Drawing moist patterns around first his right and then his left nipples; whimpering softly as he imagined Jack’s mouth laving his stiffened nubs. The deft fingers brushed across his abdomen then circled slowly round his belly button. The slick wetness shimmered in the low light.

Jack was once again bombarded with sense memory as he remembered how Ianto’s flesh felt beneath his tongue. He licked his lips as if gathering the taste of sweat and something that was so uniquely Ianto. He found himself whimpering harshly as his breath quickened and his pleasure heightened watching as Ianto’s fingers dipped under the waistband of his jeans.

“I’m so hard, I can’t wait to bury my cock inside you; I’m going to make you feel so good.”

“Ianto,” Jack moaned roughly.

Ianto revelled in the sounds Jack was making low in his throat. His fingers darted upwards freeing his arms from the confines of his tee-shirt till it hung loosely around his neck. His hands went to remove the leather hat so he could pull the fabric over his head when he caught the pleading look in the older man’s eyes.

“Please?” Jack whimpered.

“What? What do you want?”

“Leave your hat on.”

Ianto looked slightly bemused and then the light bulb switched on in his head and he laughed wickedly.

“This, this is what got you so hard?” Ianto asked pointing to his hat.

Jack nodded vigorously a look of pure hunger flashing across his features.

“Remind me to wear it more often, if it gets you this fired up.” Ianto smirked.

“Do that and we’ll never get any work done.”

“Yup, you’re probably right, and anyway I’m not sure it would go with the whole ensemble.”

Ianto removed the hat from his head sticking it between his legs as he yanked the tee-shirt over his head trying to ignore the whimper that left Jack’s mouth as he did so. He folded the material and threw it on top of his belt and trainers. Taking the leather hat from between his lithe limbs he placed it back on his head much to Jack’s obvious delight.

Jack fixated on Ianto’s every movement until he finally stood bare-chested before him. He looked positively decadent to Jack. The saliva trails glimmered on his chest, and his eyes were dark with desire.

“Since you’ve been so good, I think it’s time you got that reward, would you like that?”

“God, yes,”

“Very well, stand up and come and sit on the edge of your desk.” Ianto ordered.

Jack did exactly as he was told; rising from his chair he made his way to the front of his desk and sat down.

“Very good, now place your hands one on either side of you, whatever happens you are not to touch me, understand?”

“Yeah,” Jack answered carrying out Ianto’s instructions. He placed his palms flat against the desk and waited.

Ianto smiled and stalked slowly forwards until he was stood in front of Jack. He reached out and unbuttoned the older man’s shirt trailing open mouthed kisses down his front as each button slipped free revealing Jack’s white tee-shirt which was slightly damp where Ianto had caressed him. As Ianto’s fingers moved lower Jack’s grip on the desk tightened, the muscles in his arms twitching at the exertion as he fought against the incessant urge to touch.

Ianto’s hands found the fabric of Jack’s tee-shirt. Bunching it between his fingers he tugged it upwards revealing the older man’s satin soft skin which Ianto nuzzled; his warm breath gusting over it as he worshipped Jack’s flesh with lips and tongue. Jack opened his mouth and a litany of guttural animalistic groans painted the air. His knuckles were now white as he gripped the edge of the desk, drowning in the sensations Ianto was drawing from his body.

Ianto’s questing fingers had reached down and palmed the bulge straining for release and Jack tried desperately not to buck off the desk.

“Fuck Ianto.” Jack panted.

Ianto’s hands moved again, making light work of Jack’s belt. He slowly sank to his knees; unbuttoning Jack’s trousers he looked up at the Captain through his lashes grinning deviously. Gripping the zipper between his teeth he edged it slowly down and soon Jack’s trousers were pooled around his ankles. Ianto mouthed Jack’s erection through its fabric confines and Jack’s hips thrust upwards at the ministrations as incoherent words tumbled from his mouth.


Ianto tugged gently at the waistband and inched the fabric down until Jack’s hardened cock sprang free. He gripped the base tightly and swirled his tongue lazily around the head. He engulfed Jack’s cock, sucking it into the warm, moist heat of his mouth and laving the length. His teeth grazed lightly against the underside of Jack’s cock as he moved back up towards the head. The fingers of Ianto’s free hand trailed fire up the Captain’s well muscled thigh finally reaching their goal they fondled Jack’s balls palming them gently and feeling their weight against his hand. His mouth moved back up Jack’s hardened erection, his tongue flicking over the slit of his cock and lapping at the pre-come that coated the head; Ianto‘s lips sucked and licked before moving towards the base.

His tongue swirled leisurely spirals around Jack’s erection until only the head remained in his mouth. Ianto hummed softly against the tip of Jack’s cock, the gesture sending vibrations through Jack’s body, this added to the feel of the black leather hat as it rubbed against his exposed flesh with a delicious friction sent Jack’s body into sensory overload as bolt after bolt of lust coursed through him. Ianto’s lips caressed the flushed head of Jack’s erection before he finally relinquished his grip from around the base. The hard cock slipped from his mouth and he gazed up at Jack with perspiration beading on his brow and his eyes slightly shadowed by the hat.

“Come for me.” He ordered huskily before he opened his mouth and swallowed Jack’s engorged cock to the root.

Jack didn’t need a second invitation as his balls tightened and his orgasm ripped through him, allowing him to spill his seed down Ianto’s eager throat. He milked Jack’s spent erection until he’d captured every last drop of Jack’s essence. His tongue swirled greedily around the head, licking the Captain clean.

Jack sat on the edge of his desk, utterly boneless and deliriously sated, his heart thumping like a jack hammer in his chest. He gulped in a lungful of air, trying to regulate his breathing which at that moment sounded harsh and shallow to his ears. Jack was convinced he’d just had his brains sucked out through his cock by his favourite Welshman. If he had anything to say about it they would be repeating the experience really soon, multiple times. Hell, lets be honest here Jack, you love a good blowjob as much as the next man, but Ianto Jones sucks cock with such ruthless efficiency all you can do is sit back and enjoy the ride, and what a ride; it’s a win-win situation! Jack thought breathlessly.

Jack gazed fondly down at Ianto who had released his softened cock and gently rested his head against Jack’s thigh. Yup, I could definitely get used to this, he thought tenderly. Ianto slowly regained his composure, lifting his head off of Jack’s thigh. He sat back on his heels his eyes trailing up Jack’s gorgeous body and taking in his lover’s state. Jack looked thoroughly debauched, trousers around his ankles, his shirt hung open the white tee-shirt bunched up beneath it. His chest rose and fell rapidly and his lax mouth hung open. Sweat glistened on his brow, catching Ianto’s interested gaze Jack grinned wolfishly at him.

“That was one hell of a reward.”

“I’m glad you approved.”

With the agility of a gazelle Ianto was rising from his knees in one fluid motion. He wrapped his arms around Jack’s neck and surged forward catching the older man off guard as he pressed their mouths together. His tongue traced the outline of Jack’s sultry mouth demanding entrance which Jack duly granted. Ianto delved inside searching for Jack’s unique flavour; mapping the contours of Jack’s mouth with his skilful tongue. Jack moaned as he captured Ianto’s tongue in a seductive dance, tasting his own essence with every sweeping pass.

They broke apart breathlessly, the need for oxygen outweighing their need to ravage each others mouths. Ianto’s lips and tongue nuzzled the sensitive skin behind Jack’s ear. Hot gusts of air caressed his neck as Ianto moved his mouth finding the shell of Jack’s ear.

“Turn around, hands flat on the desk.” Ianto ordered removing his hands from Jack’s neck as he stepped back.

At Ianto’s quietly assured order Jack’s cock once again showed an interest in proceedings and before he knew it he was half hard again. Jack turned towards his desk placing his palms flat against it with barely concealed anticipation. This was what he wanted; this was what he’d been waiting for all night. Ianto’s hand dipped into his jean pocket and removed a condom and a travel sachet of baby oil; both of which he placed on the desk by Jack’s hand. Ianto’s fingers unbuttoned his Levis, letting them glide down his toned legs until they landed at his feet. He picked up the packet of baby oil and taking the sachet between his teeth Ianto tore open a corner, squeezing the liquid onto his fingers before putting it back on the desk. He moved forward placing a hand on Jack’s hip as his slicked finger slowly circled Jack’s entrance, teasing his way inside. Velvet heat gripped Ianto’s finger and he moaned huskily.

“You feel so good, so tight.”

He added a second finger, stretching Jack’s passageway even as he angled his fingers to brush Jack’s prostrate, sending a jolt of renewed lust through the Captain and preparing him for Ianto’s cock. Their inarticulate moans floated into the air, mingling together until Ianto couldn’t tell which moans were his and which were Jack’s. A third finger penetrated the older man’s passage and when Jack started thrusting back onto his fingers Ianto knew he was more than ready. Once he was sure Jack was well lubricated he removed his fingers and the older man whimpered.

Removing his hand from Jack’s hip, Ianto positioned his thumbs on the waistband of his boxers teasing them down and freeing his erection which leapt to attention. Ianto grabbed his hard cock before picking the condom packet from off the desk and tearing it open. He slid the condom over his erection, sheathing his cock. Ianto spread Jack’s buttocks apart positioning his cock head at his lover’s entrance.

“This is what you want isn’t it, sir?” Ianto said, pressing his hardened cock against the Captain’s puckered hole.

“God yes!” Jack said raggedly.

Ianto pressed forward, penetrating Jack’s ring of tight muscle and sinking into luscious silky heat as it gripped his hardness. He thrust forwards until he was buried deep inside Jack. The pads of Ianto’s fingers skated up the older man’s torso underneath his shirt his fingernails raking the smooth planes of his chest, making Jack hiss with pleasure. They glided over the tee-shirt up under Jack’s armpits hooking around his shoulders anchoring Ianto’s weight as he moulded himself to Jack’s back.

“Ianto, please,” Jack whimpered.

Finally Ianto moved, pulling almost all the way out slamming back into Jack’s arse and angling to pound his prostate. Jack surged backwards impaling himself on Ianto’s erection and moaning harshly. Ianto set a frantic rhythm as Jack writhed and moaned underneath him. Soon they became a counterpoint to each other as Ianto rammed forward, his sacs slapping against the Captain’s backside Jack rocked back onto the younger man’s engorged cock. Their guttural grunts and groans of exertion echoed around the room as Ianto fucked Jack into oblivion.

Ianto slipped one hand off of the Captain’s shoulder and wrapped it around Jack’s now fully erect cock. He jerked it roughly, his thumb rubbing over the head. His fist moved in time with every sharp, penetrating thrust into Jack’s body, knowing they were both close to release. Ianto felt his balls tighten as his thrusts became more erratic. His orgasm surged through him and he came with a throaty moan. It was enough to send Jack over the edge and hurtling into orgasm. For the second time that night Jack came with a guttural groan spurting out over Ianto’s fist and spattering rivulets of white cream across his desk. Ianto collapsed onto Jack’s back, breathing heavily as aftershocks ricocheted through his body.

Jack’s head drooped exhaustedly between his shoulders. The taut muscles in his arms flexed and it took all of his considerable strength not to collapse across the desk. His heart raced and his breathing was shallow. Ianto was a dead weight against his back and Jack knew if he didn’t move them soon his arms were going to wave a white flag and give out.

Ianto lifted his head off of Jack’s broad back, slowly having regained his equilibrium. He eased gently out of Jack and stood upright on very shaky legs. He removed the condom, tied it in a knot and threw it in the bin beside Jack’s desk. Ianto bent down gingerly and pulled up his boxers he stepped out of Levis folding them and placing them with the rest of his clothes. Jack felt the weight ease from his back and took the opportunity to straighten up. Removing his arms from the desk he turned and sat down heavily on it. Ianto stepped back towards Jack, placing a chaste kiss on his lips.

“Stay there. Don’t move; I’ll be back shortly.”

“Ianto, I don’t think I could move even if I wanted to.” Jack grinned.

Ianto smiled and with a slight nod of his head he walked towards the entrance to Jack’s quarters and descended down the ladder. All Jack could do was obediently sit and wait for the younger man, a blissfully dreamy smile breaking out across his face. Ianto appeared moments later carrying a slightly damp washcloth. He took the cloth and wiped it methodically over Jack’s groin, gently cleaning the older man. Ianto dropped the cloth on the floor near the bin then wrapped his arms around Jack’s neck kissing him soundly. His mouth moved languidly from Jack’s lips nuzzling the pulse point between neck and shoulder and teasing the skin between his soft lips. Jack arched his neck to give Ianto better access to the sensitive skin.

As Ianto lavished attention on Jack’s neck he caught sight of the mess splashed across the desk. Ianto smirked wickedly against the older man’s flesh then with a soft caress Ianto lifted his mouth from Jack’s neck. He gazed at the Captain, his eyes dancing mischievously even as he tried to execute an air of innocence as he calmly opened his mouth to speak.

“I suppose you’ll be expecting me to tidy that?” Ianto said his head indicating the spot over Jack’s shoulder.

“Maybe Later.”

“Oh now, I can’t possibly leave it like that, besides it’s likely to stain.”

“Seriously, it’s fine, just leave it.”

“I’m sorry, but I must insist.” Ianto argued.

He removed his arms from around Jack’s neck and moved closer to the desk. Ianto’s right hand swiped lazily across the desk and through Jack’s seed until it covered his fingers and palm. With his fingers slick with Jack’s essence he stood in front of the older man grinning wolfishly.

“There we are, much better.” Ianto said his tongue flicking across his fingers to lap up the salty seed.

Jack groaned as he watched Ianto lick his fingers clean; it was one of the most erotic things he’d ever seen. Ianto’s attention to detail was mesmerising.

“Jesus, Ianto, you’re killing me here.”

“Thank you, sir, I do try. I know how much you love my filthy mind.”

Jack pulled Ianto into a ferocious hug catching him completely off guard. Pulling back slightly Jack’s eyes met Ianto’s blue ones with a deeply serious gaze; he brushed his fingers slowly down Ianto’s cheek.

“That’s not the only thing; I need you to know that.”

“I do, Jack. Thank you.”

“What for?”

“For trusting me, for letting me love you.”

“Hey, it should be me thanking you, that was one hell of a ride.” Jack wrapped his arms tightly around Ianto’s waist pulling him into a tight embrace.

“Stay with me?”


“Good, because I want to worship every inch of your body.”

Ianto smiled warmly at the Captain, the thought of all the things Jack could do to him sending frissons running through his body.

“On one condition.”

“Name it, Ianto.”

“This time we use a bed, my legs haven’t totally recovered and I’m not sure your back can take anymore, old man.”

“Hey, cheeky I’ll have you know I have excellent stamina for a 200 year old immortal.”

“I don’t doubt it, Jack.” Ianto purred “That was never in question.”

“Oh really?”

“Yup, and I plan on testing it to the limit.”

“Oh I like the sound of that! We’ve got a long night ahead of us.”

Ianto stepped out of Jack’s embrace allowing the older man to shuffle out of his trousers and slide his boxers back on. Jack stood up taking Ianto’s hand in his and led them both towards the entrance to his quarters. Jack turned kissing Ianto on the nose softly, then murmured huskily.

“Just do me one favour?”

“Anything Jack.”

“Leave your hat on.”

Ianto laughed warmly and smiling he followed Jack down the ladder into his quarters. He didn’t know what Jack had in store but he was pretty sure that whatever it was it didn’t involve sleep.

torchwood, jack/ianto, fic

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