It's update time again

Mar 21, 2007 23:28

Very quick fly by post there will be much more to come...... Cardiff was a riot I had an absolute blast thank you
demon_faith for putting me up and feeding me and showing me your fair city :) I have more photos than you can shake a stick at and I'm now the very proud owner of a sonic screwdriver SQUEE!!

Dancing on Ice OMG! just GUH!!!!!! I really can't say more than that and I'm seriously looking forward to the champions of champions show this Saturday.

Have finally seen the finale of season two of Battlestar Galatica Oh my frickking god!! I did not see that coming I'm slightly shellshocked and major league intrigued about the third season.  
helsinkibabyyou were so right I'm beyond glad I was not spoiled for it.

Have just seen the newest trailer for Doctor Who series 3 and I'M SO EXCITED the date for your diaries is March 31st 7pm for those who are interested.  Also there is a Doctor Who weakest Link and 
smiley_bI was completely wrong both John Barrowman and David Tennant are involved apparently it's already been filmed and the result is being kept a closely guarded secret.  My money is on David because he's such a fanboy it really wouldn't surprise me if he'd swatted up beforehand *VBG* oh and thats on Friday 30th but I'm unsure of the time.

Anyways thats all for now but the picspam to end all picspams will follow shortly.


cardiff, dancing on ice, bsg, doctor who

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