life lesson 2: hanging around

Feb 20, 2006 00:15

There's a certain level that has to be established whenever you form new 'activity groups,' collections of friends that have a club-like vibe of expected patterns of activity and reciprocity. After the right chords are struck, a certain level of reflexivity occurs when you think, "Man, I really have a good time with these people." You look around at each other and say, "Your company is valuable to me. Let's maintain this cool thing we have going." You then conscientiously make compromises and sacrifices for the good of the group. But watch out for the people who are skilled at forcing that level of reflexivity early, or dumbing it down, then gathering up all the slack for themselves. "Yes, we've established that this is good enough for all of us, we're all cool, so I shouldn't have to expect anyone to mind if I take this, this, and this for myself." Sneaky echoes of sibling rivalry and infamily fighting, the lazy man's approach to hording resources for himself. Lowest common denominator behaviour that sucks everyone down.

Lift up Lift up Lift up
be a lot
don't be afraid

I can only wait and be patient. Loss takes time, recovery is elusive at best. I am resolv'd.
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