PLAYER ORGANIZATIONSconiuratiSeptember 19 2011, 18:16:16 UTC
Have an organization your character runs? List it here!
Organization Name: Information Links: (not required, but if you have a post in or an OOC/IC sign-up post anywhere you may link that here) Description: (Short description of what this organization/it's function)
MAP CHANGESconiuratiSeptember 19 2011, 18:35:02 UTC
If something has changed on the map please list it here for player and mod reference. This include things like buildings being converted to player uses, new buildings being built and any destruction on a large scale (if you burn an entire park or destroy the whole top floor of a building please notify here). This also includes completed improvement projects such as generators for buildings or fixed plumbing.
Building(s)/Area(s) affected: What was done: (a short description of what changes have been made)
Comments 2
Organization Name:
Information Links: (not required, but if you have a post in
Description: (Short description of what this organization/it's function)
Building(s)/Area(s) affected:
What was done: (a short description of what changes have been made)
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