Jan 30, 2006 15:52
Mondays are bluer than the rest of the weeks. I am so not in the mood to do things. I decided to update since there's nothing much to do in the office aside from answering the phone.
Last Friday, the office had it's monthly luncheon at Pietro's, a new authentic Italian restaurant located in Acanta Mall. It wasn't as tasty as I thought it would be. The inside is anything but Italian designed. And yes, it is authentic to chamorro/filipino/american taste buds; it lacks taste, according to the majority of the officemates.
Rey-san also took me out to dinner that night at Palace Hotel's Palm Garden. I'm quite tired of that place, to frankly tell you. It was alright though, since sashimi is growing on me. After dinner, we sat at the Palace lounge as we were serenaded. Then these cute Jap kids started dancing. Minutes later, came a crowd... next thing we know, we're clapping, swaying, and singing Happy Birthday tunes. Anyways, something hilarious happend. Rey-san decided to order a cup of ice-tea. Some lady brings it over... and he takes a sip at it. "Wow, their ice tea is one of the best!" I get excited and I take a sip expecting it to be a top notch... to my disappointment it tasted like Nestea mixed drink. I did that yuck, with the tongue and wince look. I didn't realize the lady was looking at me! I was so embrassed. Rey-san and I paused, and then let out a crack. It was too hilarious!
My Saturday was much more interesting. I actually made my daddy proud, as well as the rest of my family and Rey-san. I washed and cleaned my car!!!!!! Ain't that somethin'? hehehe........ Now, I am more appreciative of my car. It's really bad. I've had my car for alost a year now, and I found gum stuck on it's carpet and chocolate on the chair. My mom also spilled coffee on it leaving a black moldy spot. ew! I plan on having it serviced for an interior wash and clean :) At the moment, I'm needing to reset my Mant reqd. light.. this means I need my car check up again.
Which reminds me, I have a Dr.'s appt. tomorrow. I hope rey-san is able to accompany me because it would help to have support.
My family had a get together to watch a pay-per-view of Manny Paquiao's boxing on Saturday evening. I've never enjoyed watching boxing as much as I did that one. It was so intense... I felt I couldn't breathe! Hahaha... I cooked dinner and then my homeboy, rey-san, brought some ice-cream. Yummy! hehehe....
I actually was given the opportunity to sleep in on Sunday. Since the Dominican students sang for 8 a.m., I took advantage. I also was able to go to life teen mass, which I haven't done in a while. It felt really awkward though. And I felt anomosity surfacing, but I knew it was all because of my pride. Very unhealthy.
Hm... I feel my stomach aching... I wonder if the bathroom still has airfreshner?