soul_campaign application

Nov 07, 2010 11:16


Player Name: MIN
Age: 17
Timezone: EST
Personal Journal: min19 
Contact Information:
Instant Messenger: nineteenthminute (AIM)
Current Characters: Romano AKA South Italy
Activity Checks: Here


Name: John Egbert, the Heir of Breath!
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Fandom: Homestuck of MSPA
Timeline: In canon, Vriska uses her powers to wake up John from his dream on Skaia just as he's about to reunite with his loving father. But instead of waking up in the Medium like he should, he will wake up in Shibusen.
History: Wikia page

However, the wiki page doesn't have a clear-cut history on there, so I'll try to give a summary while cutting out lots of details because otherwise this will be extremely excessively long.

Basically, John had the most normal upbringing one can imagine. He was raised in a calm suburban town by his father, who was loving and supportive and taught him piano and... well, played lots of pranks, though that's standard in the Egbert household. He discovered the internet and made online friends - in particular, he became best friends with Dave Strider, Rose Lalonde, and Jade Harley.

On his thirteenth birthday, John received the beta of a game that he had been waiting for in anticipation - SBURB. While at first appearing to be a simple interactive Sims-type of game, where a server (in this case, Rose) can manipulate the surroundings of their client (John) through the game's interface, things quickly go downhill when a suspicious timer starts ticking down. Turns out, this timer determines when a huge fuckin' meteor is going to crash into the client's house. Anyone who plays the game gets this timer and the lovely meteor packaged with it, so basically there are a bunch of meteors crashing to houses around the world (specifically, houses of whoever plays the beta) which will lead to the inevitable end of civilization as we know it. Bummer.

Fortunately, after a long chain of events, John manages to transport himself and his house to the Medium. The Medium is where the real game initiates, consisting of four planets and a belt of meteors revolving around the crux of imagination, Skaia. On Skaia, there is a war between Prospit and Derse, the planets of Light and Dark, or White and Black. Once John and his three friends all enter the Medium, they must travel to Skaia and defeat the Black King. However, they don't learn the ultimate purpose of the game until much later in the story, but I won't go into that because it's like the biggest spoiler ever. Though actually, the next two paragraphs will have spoilers aplenty so if you are just reading this casually but wish to read Homestuck someday, you'll want to skip over.

John continues to play the game, defeating imps and exploring planets and all those sorts of shenanigans, when he comes across a portal that transports him to a laboratory on one of the meteors in the Veil. Through ectobiology and lots of button-pushing, John ends up creating paradox clones of himself, his friends, and their guardians. Instead of just being plain ol' clones, these babies actually end up traveling back in time to become the people they were cloned from themselves. Thus, John creates them all through the game, and they were always predetermined to play the game. Trippy stuff, huh?

But then he falls asleep and wakes up as his dreamself on Prospit's moon. Wait, no, he wakes up to see the wreckage of Prospit's moon strewn across Skaia and a dead friend (why this is so would involve a long separate explanation on its own). John soon finds himself at the swordpoint of the moon's destroyer but he is promptly rescued by an insanely powerful stuffed bunny (again, long story). After wandering for a bit, he spots his dad, who he hadn't seen since the beginning of this whole adventure. John rushes to reunite with his loving fa--

Yeeaaaah, no. Vriska the troll, with her mind control powers, wakes him up before he gets the chance. However, while he wakes up back in the Medium in the canon, it is at this point when he will wake up in Shibusen, completely bewildered by his surroundings.

Character Personality: John is a rather goofy dork who has a passion for silly pranks, video games, and really bad movies (because Nic Cage is obviously the best actor ever). He's generally dependable and easy to get along with, and he will pretty much only give you a hard time if you are blatantly trying to harass him. But even then, he's been shown to become friends with people who had only given him trouble in the past, showing that he's not the type to hold a grudge for very long.

In fact, one particular troll convinces him to take a fatal misstep in the game, leading to his death in an alternate time line -- and yet, when John learns that she apparently felt apologetic afterward, he is very quick to disregard the wrongdoing. Even if it is implied that the troll's feelings were in fact genuine, she is known for being a skilled liar and manipulator. John experiences this firsthand and is still willing to let the matter go without much fuss afterward. This leads us to a big part of his personality -- he is gullible, naive, and trusting, qualities that are both endearing and potentially dangerous, as seen in the preceding example. He's very passive in nature and has a tendency to give others the benefit of the doubt in most situations.

However, he's also got a certain streak of stubbornness to him. If he's got a specific intent in mind it's actually pretty hard to dissuade him. As Future Dave accurately puts it, "he will do what you say unless it happens to be for his own good then all a sudden hes a tough nut to crack go figure". In addition, he's got an even more stubborn sense of optimism that never fails on him, even when seemingly omniscient aliens tell him that he and his friends are all doomed to badly fuck up their game session -- and he pretty much takes this to cheesy extents. Besides the fact that he's a cheesy person in general. ("it is what's inside the adventurer that counts." Who even says that with a straight face? Really now, John.)

John is a very honest guy through and through, seeming to have no reason to hide anything from anybody. He says whatever is on his mind at the time, whether it is a concern or an observation or a thought process or so on. Again, this has both positive and negative ramifications. While this means that anything he says, aside from the playful jabs he makes at his friends, can be trusted and taken at face value, he can also come off as tactless and a bit slow on the uptake, especially in comparison to some of his incredibly quick-witted friends. ("what's a quadrant? how many do you have?") This is not to say that he isn't clever in his own right, but he is more prone to saying things before he really thinks them through.

One unexpected aspect of John's personality even he himself might not be aware of. Sometimes, SBURB players will unknowingly write on their own walls when they sleepwalk as a form of their dreamself trying to express some sort of inner burden, but their subconscious suppresses the person's ability to see this graffiti until their dreamself awakens. The walls of John's room are revealed to be full of scribbles of clowns harlequins and self-depreciating comments about himself, such as "FOOL" and "LAME KID". Seeing as this is John's subconscious talking, he likely has some deeply rooted self esteem issues. Where they originated is unknown, though it's possible that it could simply be problems related to being, well, thirteen years old.

Character Abilities: Physically, John shows a very surprising jump in strength in a short span of time. In just a few hours, he levels up from barely managing to defeat one imp to plowing through crowds of them with no trouble at all. In his canon, he is only able to use hammers, and he is pretty damn proficient at wielding them by this point. Though he's not the best fighter of the kids (yet), he's a surprisingly capable fighter for a thirteen-year-old boy.

While he is not particularly intelligent, not bothering to deal with specifics and details, John is actually very intuitive and practical in certain circumstances. Through hands-on experience and observation alone, he is able to figure out the complex workings of punch card alchemy even before Rose does. This insight comes in handy when it comes to understanding the people around him as well. The most notable example can be seen in his birthday cards to his friends, where it is clear that he is able to see right through Rose's and Dave's well-built facades and straight to the problem underneath their anxieties, whether he fully realizes this or not.

As gullible as he is, he is pretty good at whipping up juvenile and silly lies for the sake of humor in his conversations. While his friends are quick to see through these, John has shown on multiple occasions that he enjoys telling the trolls harmless fibs about humans, like saying that babies hatch as larvae. While the effectiveness of this does lie at least partially in the trolls' lack of knowledge about Earth culture, he's still a skilled prankster through and through. In fact, he even manages to prank Rose with classic bucket-on-door trick. (You cannot hope to beat John in a prank-off. He is simply the best there is.)

John has been shown to be capable of controlling the wind. However, at the point he is at, he is only able to subconsciously summon breezes.

Character Weaknesses: As stated previously, John is passive to a fault. It's not that he fears other people or particularly wishes to please anyone by doing as he is told -- it seems that it is simply his nature to accept what is expected of him and to just sort of roll with it. As such, he is willing to go along with basically what anyone tells him to do, which can easily get him in worlds of trouble. The exceptions tend to be when a command is blatantly dangerous and stupid, or when it interferes with his own goals in mind. Ironically enough, the times when he is the most stubborn sometimes turn out to be the worst times to be stubborn.

He can also get easily distracted by silly things like blanket forts and movie references and talking about can openers with disembodied voices, even if there is a much more important task at hand. In one instance, he is so distracted by the aforementioned voice that he doesn't notice his two friends IMing him or Rose attempting to get his attention by drubbing his head with a crumpled hat. In addition to this, he tends to find himself much more out of the loop in terms of understanding the game and what is happening than his friends do, as he tends to get confused when people start going into lots of detail and technical little shindigs and whatnot.

Oh and he has a crippling dislike for baked goods. Especially Betty Crocker's. His dad bakes WAY TOO MUCH and now he can't even stand the concept of eating them and may sometimes even go into a fit at the very notion, I am not kidding you.


Why your character should be a Meister: When his friend indicates that John is destined to be their leader, he denies this by saying that he is not a leader, but a friend. That said, there are a few main reasons why I want John as a Meister:

One, because this means that whoever he happens to wield, he would always make sure to share a relationship of equal standing. Even if he is the one leading the fight and, in essence, the one in control of another person, it would be inconceivable for him to abuse or mistreat this kind of power.

Two, a meister/weapon pair is compared to a guitar player and an amp. Without the amp, the guitar's sound is not nearly as powerful. This can be said for John as a person in general. He continually draws support and strength from his friends and loved ones -- the main reason he even he seems concerned about playing the game in the first place is so he can find his dad. It is not as if he is weak on his own, but he would be on much worse footing if it weren't for his companions' presences and guidance.

Three, being in this position would allow him to grow. It has been stated that one of the most important aspects about the series is how the kids develop and grow up. Since he is being pulled from the game, I feel it'd be appropriate if John can still fulfill this in an entirely different setting by being a Meister, which will force him to take an active role and help him become the leader he's meant to be.

Meister Ability: Soul BFF, Soul Leader, Manly Soul


Soul Description: Honest, naive, inventive, dependable, passive, and gooberish which is most definitely a word, okay.

Soul Appearance: A very standard shade of blue with spikes that resemble the large tufts in his hair. It also has this really dorky bucktoothed expression that you would see on John on a standard basis anyways, and it somehow manages to have soul GLASSES too. Weird.


First Person:

hello??? dave, rose, jade, are you guys here? this doesn't look like the game, unless this is some weird part the trolls didn't tell us about??

[then there's a momentary pause... before the feed flickers on to reveal a bucktoothed preteen boy.]

Woah, this laptop has a webcam! Oh man, I've always wanted one!

Anyways, uh... if we win this war thing, we can go back to where we came from, right? Because I guess this is pretty cool but I have to go save my friend Jade soon and I think I am possibly on a time limit for that!

[He looks like he's about to say more when his stomach starts grumbling. Loudly. Cue a sheepish grin and slightly embarrassed laughing.]

Oh jeez... Just remembered that I have not eaten in basically... a while! Anyone know any places with some good food to eat? As long as it's not Gushers or, uh. Cake.

Third Person:

This wasn't Jade's planet, was it?

The tour landed them in front of a large apartment complex, though John wasn't so sure that he even absorbed a lot of the stuff he was told as they were shown around the city. The death theme this place was obviously a fan of was... it was cool, he guessed, but it wasn't really his thing if he was going to be honest. Maybe Rose would be interested since she seemed to like dark stuff like this, but he had already seen her planet and it was most definitely not anything like this.

Which, again, brought up the possibility that he was still in the game and was maybe in Jade's planet? His mouth twisted into a pensive frown as he observed the key to his new apartment in his hand. (Wow, that was... kind of weird to say. Oh man, his own apartment.) If this was Jade's planet after all, then where were the consorts? And also, the glaring fact that there were living people strolling around like it was nothing. John found himself wishing that he could talk to Rose, because he was honestly really bewildered by his current setting and she was always better at figuring out this sort of stuff than he was.

And for that matter, knowing where Dave or Jade were would have been equally comforting. Climbing these stairs only reminded him of Dave's kind-of-stupid-but-really-hilarious comics, and... well, his last dream was fresh enough in his mind to remind him aplenty of Jade. Not to mention, now that he thought about it, wasn't he supposed to be helping her enter the game?

John unlocked the door to his apartment and woah this pad was sweet. He couldn't help but momentarily forget his worries and grin to himself because he couldn't deny that this was pretty exciting. Man, all that room on the walls for awesome movie posters!! If he could find some, that is. Maybe this was like the trolls' planets and they didn't have posters of unbelievably unshitty actors like Nic Cage, but he'd cross that bridge when he came to it. And he'd definitely have to find a Liv Tyler one too! And this time, he could make sure they didn't get themselves defaced again.

With his mood lifted considerably, the gears in his metaphorical optimism mechanism seemed to kick back up to pace. Because he could work with this. Hey, he was stuck in some unknown place with a really vague sort of goal to achieve, but wasn't that his situation in SBURB anyways? All he had to do was beat some witches and then he could go back to his friends and Dad and Nanna, at least if he heard those tour people correctly! It wouldn't be so hard, and he'd be outta here in no time... right?

At the point in canon that I'm pulling him from, his glasses actually have a PDA function, on which he can somehow IM people and whatnot. But I'm assuming that this would kind of interfere with the whole DEMISE network going on, so they'll revert to normal glasses! He will also be wearing his ectobiologist lab suit with nothing else in possession, since I assume that he lost everything that was in his sylladex (AKA inventory). Bye-bye, Green Slime Ghost shirt. :(

And speaking of IMing, John's text will always be all lower-case with near-perfect syntax. However, if the person he is talking to is using voice/video, he'll do the same. Meaning, his typing quirk will solely be for when he is typing, and only if the other person is typing back.
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