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Unrest in Congo-Brazzaville
Jan 22, 2006 12:17
Both the BBC and IRIN have reported on increasing security in the Republic of Congo's Department of Pool. Recent upsurgence in violence perpetrated by former rebels known as the Ninjas has led to the decision.
The Ninjas pledged to disarm in 2003
BBC - Red Cross staff leave Congo Pool: The International Committee of the Red Cross has indefinitely suspended its activities in Congo's Pool region after a spate of violence.
IRIN - CONGO: ICRC suspends aid in Pool region: Worsening insecurity has forced the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to pull out of Pool, a troubled region in the Republic of the Congo (RoC).
To read more about the conflict in the Republic of Congo and the resulting humanitarian crisis, click on this link for a
summary of a study conducted by Catholic Relief Services
. From here you can find links to key findings, recommendations, and the
full report, in .pdf format: Post-Conflict Communities at Risk: The Continuing Crisis in Congo's Department of Pool
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