i fail at life

Aug 29, 2005 07:11

i totally went from sick to death. i have the worse virus i think has ever existed. i am dead serious. i cant remember the last time i was this sick excpet last fall, but that was really different. anywho yesterday i was sick. starting around 5 or 6 i started to die. my mom made me really amazing vegetable soup and i could only eat like a total of three bites and my stomache started aching from being so hungry. and then i almost completeley stopped being able to swallow. like i had to perpare myself for a couple minutes to even swallow my own saliva. and then i try to go to sleep at like 9 where im on and off sweating to freezing. and my throat hurts so much its keeping me from sleep. i finally fall asleep from like midnight to 2am and wake up dying. now my eas are screaming on top of everything else. so i go and find my mom and i cant even cry im THAT dehydrated. and we take me to the emergency room for the 2nd time in 24 hrs (cause the doctors office is closed on sunday) where they proceed to give me 2 liters of fluids thru an IV, morphine (you know my throat hurts), and some anti-inflametroy. i was so dehydrated i didnt even have to go to the bathroom after having so much liquid pumped into me. dang. they run a bunch of tests and im their until 6am. the doctor told me it seems like strep throat, like thats my symptoms and what my throat looks like but they ran two tests that came back negative. but to be on the safe side they put me on amoxicillan. SO now i am still on 600mg of ibuprofen four times a day, amoxocillan 3 times a day, percocet at least twice a day up to four tiems day for pain, and as much water and juice i can stomache. and no sugar, dairy, caffeine, or alcohol. but now that im all drugged up (im on all my drugs right now) i was finally able to eat food for the first time in over 24 hrs. the last thing i need to do is lose weight. but hopefully this works and i am planning on drinking lots of ginger tea tomorrow and eating a lot more garlic. time to crash.
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