I am a mussel--
not an abalone: keep-safing a precious pearl inside its mouth...nutritious and highly valued
not an oyster: tough on the outside yet soft and filling on the inside
not a clam: small and cute and adored by everyone
I am a mussel: plain, simple, found easily on the beach-side shore. Often covered with unattractive barnicles riding on its shell. Tough to pry, yet once it is pried, it gives in. But once the knife is removed from its lips, it closes right up. Under pressure, it gives into the heats and opens up. But through that heat, produces a lovely aroma of the sea and a chewy yet soft taste. (Don't know where I'm getting the taste allegory have to do anything with me but hey, I'm not sane right now so let's just keep it :D)
You are a clam: found keep within the ocean in large clusters under the ocean shore. You see more of the ocean than I...who relied on the ocean waves and tides to get my nutrients.