May 10, 2008 03:44
School stuff to do:
Theatre History paper (6-8 pages, was due 4/21)
Piano lesson paper (6-8 pages, due ASAP)
Summarize articles on the oral tradition (due ASAP)
Print Crucible stuff (due ASAP)
Cite Crucible biographies (due ASAP)
Organize Theatre History study session (by Monday 5/12)
Do astronomy review quiz (due 5/15)
Astronomy final (5/16- Cumulative, need a B in order to get a B in the class)
ASL final (5/19- Cumulative)
Theatre History final (5/19)
Cultural Diversity final (5/16)
Write cards for group (5/13)
Relearn lines for directing scene (5/15)
Other stuff to do:
Find a(nother) job
Take everything I won't need this summer to Dad's (Have to move out by 5/20)
Find a way to get to Dad's
Call Mom on Mother's day
End of the semester: 9 days