Best, Worst, Last, First, Today, Tomorrow, Favorites, Currently, and True & False.
1. Male friend: Jesika. She's always first, even if she has to be a male to do it.
2. Female friend: Samuel. I think he'll take offense at my putting him in the girl category.
3. Vacation: Yeah.. I totally go on vacation. I own vacation houses in Bermuda, Hawaii, and Tahiti. I visit them ALL the time because, you know, I own them. My family also takes me to exotic places for vacation every summer, which is why I have the time to fill out this survey and haven't left Catonsville all summer.
4. Memory: Stuff involving my best male and female friends, like when we wrote stuff like "down with the system" and "GAY PRIDE! We are everywhere" and "I lick puppies" in front of the school. BUT! I think the favorite memory I will have will be doing
these things in an elevator. :)
1. Time of day: Well, I've been sleeping through morning and sometimes afternoon, so I haven't experienced them that much this summer. I guess I'll say 7:42 PM.
2. Day of the Week: ...They have days?
4. Memory: When I was on top of your mother and almost smothered her with my LOVIN'! Cause there was lots of lovin' going on... not because I'm fat. STOP CALLING ME FAT! Jeez! You almost kill someone with your weight while having sex with them ONCE and automatically you're morbidly obese.
1. Person you saw: I'm looking at Samuel('s ass) right now.
2. Talked to on the phone: Well it was obviously someone... but I can't get any more specific than that. It's top secret. I couldn't tell you even if I could remember.
3. Text: Samuel just farted. Now he's cuddling with a pillow.
4. IMed: I'll have to IM someone... just a second. ... I IMed Samuel, who is about two feet away from me. This is our conversation:
inaMoRataSkISS: HI
AnglOfHellO: Asshole.
He's not being very nice. :(
5. Messaged over myspace: I asked Miranda what Coldstone is. Apparently it's the best ice cream place in the world. My foot is numb.
1. What are you doing now: Your mother. She's on top this time though. But.. I'm definitely not doing this survey. Not in the slightest.
2. Wearing: Nothing. ;-) (Nothing but clothes. HA!)
3. Better than yesterday?: "Today: Better than yesterday?" could be a title for a news article.. or a slogan for a recovery group if it didn't have the question mark.
1. Is: a new day? Wow... the author of this survey is really pushing the recovery group slogan thing.
2. Got any plans: These... things.. "Plans"? What are they? I've never heard of anything like that...
3. Dislikes about tomorrow: Oh, sure, bring up how crappy tomorrow might be after telling me that today is a good day. Thanks, author-person. I'm just gonna go kill myself now. Good job.
1. Number: ...The ones that help me count? Oh! I got it! I like numbers that have like... numbers in them, you know? The ones that help you add and subtract and do other math-like stuff. I don't like the ones that don't help though. They just sit there and make you do all the work. Then they act like they helped the entire time just to make the bigger numbers happy. The fuckers.
2. Song: You're judging me, aren't you?
3. Color: Blue, because it's cooler than you. Get it? Cooler than you... I'm so witty.
4. Season: Winter. I guess I can't reuse the cool thing again so soon, huh? Damn... I'm all out of wit.
1. Missing someone: I'm missing your mother. She finished a few minutes ago and is now getting herself a sammich.
2. Mood: Currently mood? Am I currently mood? Yes, I am mood.
3. Wanting: a certain someone to stop biting me.
True or False:
I am a cuddler: Ok. Good for you. I'm glad you can admit to yourself and others that you're a cuddler. Now... what's the question?
I am a morning person: I'm not a mourning person.
I am a perfectionist: If I were a perfectionist, I don't think I'd be able to take this survey.
I am an only child: Oh, ok. So... it's a true/false thing. Right. Well.. I'm not all that good with one-word answers. I want eggs.
I am currently in my pajamas: If my pajamas were the clothes I wear during the day, this would be true.
I am currently single: *cries*
I am currently suffering from a broken heart: ............*BAWLS*
I am addicted to myspace: I'm not addicted... I can quit any time I want! ...NO!!! DON'T DELETE IT!!! I NEED IT!!!
I am online 24/7: You'd have to define "online" because a person can be connected to the internet 24/7 but not necessarily be at their computer. A person can even be on an online program, like AIM, 24/7 but not be on the computer. I need more clarification before I can fully answer the question.
I am very shy around the opposite gender: Me? Shy? *Nervous laugh* What would make you think that? Heh... heh... *Hides under bed... which is not ned, no matter how many times your parents told you*
I can be paranoid at times: I'm telling you, man, there are FBI agents following me. I TOTALLY saw a car following behind me on the way home. ...I don't care that it was my brother and we live in the same house! There were definitely FBI agents involved.
I currently regret something that I have done: Ok... I'll be serious for a minute and admit that I do regret sexing your mother... she was really bad.
When I get mad (or scared), I curse frequently: Sometimes I fart in fear when people try to tickle me. Does that count?
I enjoy country music: My mom certainly thinks I don't. One time after we had a fight in the car, Mom turned the radio station to country because I told her I hated it and she wanted petty revenge.
I enjoy jazz music: I have no stories involving my parents and jazz music. Sorry.
I love smoothies: Smoothies are yummy, like my penis. But I don't think it would be yummy to mix the two. I think it would be cold, though. Cold and sticky. Ha! That's funny... cause usually it's hot and sticky.
I enjoy talking on the phone: Uhh... I enjoy phone sex? Hm. No, I don't think so. I think this might be the one thing I can't twist. Either that or it's late and I've spent entirely too much time doing this survey.
I have a crush: For a second I thought it said "I have a hidden crush" and I was confused. But... I don't think I have a crush. I really can't think of anyone. If anyone reading this would like to be my crush, that would be nice since I haven't had one in quite some time.
I have a hidden talent: Ask your mom. ;-)
I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal: It would be funny if someone revealed their secret here. Like.. they could type something like, "This is true... I was born with a penis on my forehead." Hm. Penis on the forehead. That would be quite interesting.
I have a tendency to fall for the "wrong" girl/guy: Girls who like boys who do girls and bnoys like they're girls with penis and boys with girl doing boys like boys who do animals with a dilllldoooo. Hm... for some reason, I don't think that's the way the song goes.
I have all my grandparents: I keep them in my safe! :-D They're collectibles, you know.
I have at least one brother and/or sister: Wasn't there another question like this before that I didn't answer? Oh well..
I have been told that I have an unusual sense of humor: I probably have been told that at some point, but I can't remember.
I have broken a bone: Nope. Never! :-D *Trips down stairs she didn't see because her smile was so big and breaks EVERY SINGLE BONE IN HER BODY!!*
I have changed a diaper: ...I'm not incontinent. What are you talking about? *shifty eyes*
I have changed a lot over the past year: I haven't changed a lot of diapers over the last year...
I have done something illegal: I think everyone's done something illegal at some point in their life. That being said.. my criminal record is 80 pages long.
I have had major/minor surgery: I swear my breasts are real!!!
I have had my hair cut within the last 2 months: Are you talking about the hair on top or on bottom?
I have had the cops called on me: Even though my criminal record is 80 pages long, I've never had the cops called on me. Nope. Not at all.