Feb 29, 2004 02:13
wudd upp cuu.. yeah this night absolutly sucked major ass. if you want to know ask. yeah anyways. argh amanda spent the night and picked up anna and omg jeremy and her flirt all the fucking time and its been 2 fucking months. i dont understand why they havnt fucked yet but yeah beats me? so yeah! Sucked. corey and nick called but i told them to call back cause we were gunna go chill with them but they never called. and i called around 12? but i dont know where those plans went off to. but guess what i think im kinda likin someone! Wahoo. jeremy called anna fat. to her face. that was a huge mistake. shes still pissed. and jeremy wont take us to Wendys. im hungry. tonight was funn i guess. we smoked Kripy but it wasnt good. i didnt even get high. it takes awhile to get me seriously fucked up. me and amanda n jeremy went to Walmart and bought ice cream. we were gunna buy Duster but jeremy said not to? but yeah Whatever.
guys confuse me? they say they like you but then they dont? and they say alot of shit they do not mean. and maybe 98% of guys just want ass. i went through 23 cigarettes tonight =x yeah i know bad at my age of 14. basically almost 15 =) Wahhoo! yeah anyways im out peace Nigg!