Apr 22, 2006 12:19
Last Night my confinement reached new heights. . . now people are ORDERING me not to talk to 2 certain people, to not answer my phone,to not see them blah blah blah. I'm kind of getting REALLY pissed off. He calls me because we want to hangout. . . OMG yes! I actually want to hangout with him. I don't care if u think hes trying to get in my pants because. . well i just don't care. I honestly don't think thats it but thats just me. And I don't care if you don't like the other one. And when you tell me to stay away from him, what does that do? Better question, if we don't stay away from eachother what do YOU THINK we're gonna do? Obviously he's with that chick. . . we're friends. friends can talk, hug and share drinks. we can walk away from the group and not go mess around. . . hes not trying to get in my pants because if he was he would've of tried it already. FRIENDS!! can't I be FRIENDS with guys I have had shit with in the past????? And not be pressured to stay away from them, or being told to not hook up with them. If that shit happens it happens. I do shit with no regrets. Thats my decision. Even if i get hurt in the end. . . . I understand you guys don't want me to get hurt again because both of these guys HAVE hurt me in the past, but honestly this shit is getting old. But honestly I have no intentions of doing anything but being friends. FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why is that so hard for people to grasp. am I like a big slut that i get with all these guys all the time? ugh no. I haven't seen the one everyone hates for about 2 months now. and the one everyone says no bueno to i haven't hung out for about 2 weeks. but he hasn't called or anything for about a month. s0o0o0 I don't see what peoples problems are. Everyone just needs to let me breath. . to let me live. to experience shit on my own. and just be there for me. Not to control me and shit. I don't really know what to do. Fuck it.