Jul 11, 2005 15:32
Birth time: 2:32pm
Last place you traveled: ummm... PA?
Eye Color: brown
Nail Color: clear?
Height: 5'7
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Your heritage: 60ish Hungarian/ 2ish scotish/ 2ish something else/ 36ish irish
The shoes you wore today: running shoes and spinning shoes
Your hair: brown...sorta...
Your weakness: men and my heart
Your fears: drowning and being alone (even though the latter seems to be coming true)
Your perfect pizza: bbq chicken pizza
One thing you'd like to achieve: i CANT choose just one... heres two... finding someone that i can make happy and will make me happy in return (even just for the time being) and i wanna no i HAVE TO beat the school shot put record of 41 qand something feet..
Your most overused phrase on aim: lol
Your thoughts first waking up: kill me now
Your current worry: not making it through highschool for some reason or another
Your plans tomorrow: work/driving w/ instructor/music lesson/reading
Your best physical feature: i've been told my eyes but i dont know...
Your greatest accomplishment: not killing myself
Sunrise or sunset: sunset
Gore or horror: Gore
Eastsiiiide or wessssside: who really cares?
Stripes or poki dots: neither
Money or fame: money
Planes or trains: never been on either so it dont matter
Metal or hardcore: both
Boxers or briefs: as long as the person in them looks good who really cares
Your life is: lonely
Pools or hot tubs: it depends on my mood...right now...pool
Cuss: its something i try not to do often but sometimes i cant help it...
Do you think you've been in love: like but not love
Want to get married: if i find the right guy
Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: never
Like to take baths: sometimes
Get motion sickness: sometimes on the park rides that go in circles and up and down and all different directions at once but not often
Like talking on the phone: no
Like thunderstorms: yup
Play an instrument: unfortunutly
Workout: as much as i can
Like reading: to an extent
Kind of fruit: one!? i like em all!!
Music to fall asleep to: anything
Time of the day: night
Feature in the opposite sex: personality and it never hurts if there hands are bigger than mine...
Car: something that will get me to where i need to be without emptying my pockets
Number: right now its 17
Thing to do right before bed: take a shower
Thing to say when you're mad: damnit
Era: what?
Horror movie: not unless i got a schoulder to hide in or a hand to hold on to...
Colors: blue, red, yellow
Age you hope to be married: anytime after 22
Numbers & Names of Children: 2-4 healthy children and i think my hubby should help pick out names
Describe your Dream Wedding: something i will remember all of my life
How do you want to die: peacefully and without any pain
Where you want to go to college: osu
What do you want to be when you grow up: i dont know anymore...
What country would you most like to visit: everywhere
What size is your bed?: too small
Is your floor carpeted?: yep
If so, what color is it?: a horrible pink color..
Do you have posters on your walls? Of what?: not too many posters but tons of paintings/drawings/etc..
Do you keep your room clean, or is there junk all over the floor?: most of the time its really messy
Are you allowed to eat in your room?: i'm not supposed to but i do anyway
How many times a day do you brush your teeth?: twice
Do you take a shower daily?: yep
Do you wear perfume/cologne?: no
Do you wear deodorant?: DUH!
Do you go outside often?: yep
Is your lawn green or brown?: brown b.c of the stupid drout
Do you have a patio in the back?: sorta
Do you have a one or two (or more) car garage?: its supposed to be 2
How many trees are in your yard?: a lot
Are you male or female?: female
Are you sure?: what!!??? of course!
Do you have any piercings?: yes
Are you single or married?: single
Do you like your name?: its ok i guess
Do you like lotion? Chapstick?: both
Do you shave your legs?: yeah
[ MISC. ]
Is the sky really blue, or is it white with blue clouds?: umm...blue
Did that last question confuse you?: not really i just found it kinda stupid
Do you eat chocolate often?: not often
Do you have a job?: yup
Do you like it?: its okay
Why or why not?: i like it it just gets on my nerves every once and a while
Is your computer slow?: no but its not as fast as i want it to be either
Have you ever wondered why there is bark on trees?: no...
When you kick a tree, does it bruise the tree?: maybe?
Why do cats cover their poop and such?: cus they can
What do you hear right now?: a jcs cd i just burned
What do you smell right now?: baby powder... i just finished giving a baby a bath
Are you alone in the room?: nope
Are you at home?: uh.. duh.