Mar 05, 2009 02:41 = fucking amazing.
it's like e-bay with no fees.
and I like no fees.
I wish i had a special skill.
Sara plays music.
Kristi has soccer and beating me at every video game ever.
Erin is good at crafts of every sort in the world.
All I have are washed up old photo talents; half of which I've forgotten. Some art ones, too. Those haven't been used in god knows when.
I should really try to make some charcoal drawings again soon. I'm always up til the ass-crack of dawn. And the only other person to accompany me is Ciara... but she can't occupy my time every single night. And I don't like sleeping before 5am anymore.
I don't know what I feel like doing right now.
I could go get my art shit and start a project.
I could turn on one of 4 game systems and play something.
I could watch a movie or two.
I could see what's on TV.
I could drink, alone.
I could make up some more tiny little crappy tunes on my ukulele.
I could read a book.
But none of that is what i FEEL like doing.
I want to FEEL something right now.
I want to be moved by something. I want to be inspired by something that makes me want to do something else.
I wish inspiration came in a can.
like an energy drink.
"Inspiration! It'll get you moving."
I should totally make a generic soda and sell that shit.