Mar 31, 2005 14:10
Hey peeps if i have any lol well im finally updating its crazy i kno.People keep asking me how im doin w/ Sarah bein gone and i say im fine but in the inside im tore up u see i watch all of thes couples together and can talk and just be a couple and Sarah and I cant whie shes gone and when shes here i still cant its like i look forward to school i kno it sounds crazy but its true part of me wants to let it go but i kno love will pull us through ppl dont get mad at me or start rumors no i am not dumping Sarah just wondering how things could be diffrent I want things to work out i am putting all i have into this relationship according to some ppl thats not much : / Maybe at the same time Sarah is too good for me and she deserves better. IDK well i got a new skateboard and trucks they rock i rocked the 4 and boarded the tiner toy i was so excited.