Apr 06, 2006 08:55
Im just doing this survey again to see how much I've changed since the time i first did it. :) ♥
F i r s t s
First best friend: Stephanie Forrest
First car: buick century...icky but runs
First kiss on the lips: Michael Mason
First real kiss: Michael Mason
First break-up: Sumowski. lol.
First screen name: smrtass223
First self purchased album: Spice Girls' first cd
First pets: Alley
First enemy: Logan Cox
First big trip: Notta. lol.
First music: .....um.....?
L a s t s
Last car ride: Last night grocery store
Last movie seen:yikes...at the movies it was Underworld Evolution, home was The Wedding Singer
Last Drink: Mountain Dew
Last food consumed: Chicken yesterday
Last crush: John and Robby
Last time showered:Last Night
Last shoes worn: Pink and White Phat Farms
Last item bought: stuff for my life book
R e l a t i o n s h i p s
Who are three of your very best friends? Stephanie,Missy, and John
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Negative I have my eye on some boys though
F a s h i o n | S t u f f
Where is your favorite place to shop? The mall and most every store...but Deb is the shit
Any tattoos or piercings? Ears peirced twice each.
S p e c i f i c s
Do you do drugs?: on occasion nothing to hardcore though
What kind of shampoo do you use?: Whatever mom happens to buy
What are you most scared of? Losing the people I love
What are you listening to right now? The chatter of near by classmates and clicking of keys
Where do you want to get married?: lol who said I wanted to get married
How many buddies are online right now? \idk cant get on messanger
What would you change about yourself?: I wish I was more outgoing...I mean Im pretty outgoing, but I wish I was a little more
F a v o r i t e s
Color: red,black,pink
Food: mashed potatoes...yummy
Boys' names: not sure
Gilrs' Names: Kaylee
Subjects in school: Sociology or Psych
Animals: Dog
Sports: to watch: Hockey. :)
Perfume: Curve
H a v e | Y o u | E v e r
Taken a bath with someone? nope
Smoked? yes...but that was like once or twice.
Made yourself throw up?: nope.
Skinny dipped?: nope
Been in love?: Negative
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: When I was little.
Pictured a crush naked?: No
Actually seen a crush naked? Yeah. a couple. lol
Cried when someone died?: definately.
Lied?: I used to lie alot. Not so much anymore.
Fallen for your best friend?: omg...yes. Happens almost everytime
Been rejected?: Once. lol. :)
Rejected someone?: like 5 times.
Used someone?: Nope.
Done something you regret?: Regretting things is pointless. So everything I've done I take full accountability for :) I mean you can spend your whole life wondering how something would have turned out a different way, but it doesn't change it in the end.
C u r r e n t
Clothes: Pants,t-shirt, other essentials.
Music: nothing
Annoyance: boys who tell you they like you and wanna get with you and then dont call for weeks
Smell: perfume
Desktop picture: Pirates logo
DVD in player: notta
L a s t | P e r s o n
You IMed: Robby
A r e | Y o u
Open Minded: Yeah
Arrogant: I can be...strangly enough. lol.
Interesting: I try to be. lol.
Moody: Gawd yes.
Hardworking:I work at work...lol
Organized: I can be. as of now...not at all.
Healthy: definately not. lol.
Attractive?:eh not really
Bored: Ohhh yes.
Responsible: yeah i can be.
Obsessed: nope
Sad: Not really
Disappointed: kind of yes
Hyper: blah....
Trusting: nope.
Talkative: Around certain people.
Legal: yep
W h o | D o | Y o u | W a n n a
Kill: *gasps* no one
Slap: a couple people
Look Like: Kate Beckinsale
W h i c h | I s | B e t t e r
Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi lol I've gone to the dark side
Flowers or Candy: white roses :)
Tall or Short: Tall
Thick or Thin: dont care.
R a n d o m
in the morning I am: always up
what do you notice on a person first: The emotion they are feeling at that time.
worst question to ask to a crying person: Did someone steal your puppy? I dunno. lol.
who makes you laugh the most: Stephy, Missy, John, and Robby
who has a crush on you?: these 4 guyz
D o | Y o u | E v e r
sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone to IM you? hell no. lol. If I want to talk to someone that bad I either IM them or call them. lol.
wait to see if I don't IM someone first if they will IM me? sometimes
wish you were a member of the opposite sex: no not really.
wish you were younger: No not really. When I was younger i was too uptight and insecure.
N u m b e r
of times I have had my heart broken: numerous
of hearts I have broken: hmm....dos i believe
of girls or guys I've kissed: 2 girl, 6 guyz
of continents I have lived in: 1? lol.
of tight friends: bunches
of cds I own: bunches