Oct 10, 2008 07:08
This day is the first day of the rest of my life.
Opportunity for continual self improvement.
So what do I do?
I can't help but feel deep in my heart.
There is some one out there, who needs my love.
I can give it for free, and it seems like it would be a crime to withhold that.
But it is a continual process of living every day.
There it is though, the reason for living.
Every time I find some one I really care about.
They make me want to become a better person.
I guess that is what life is about.
We are all flawed in some way.
I can't hope for perfection,
I just don't know though what to do.
I need to let her know,
but yet I don't want to hold any one back.
I just want them to know how much I feel.
If there was one thing I could do to make their life better I would be happy.
I don't expect this love to be returned,
In fact it would probably be better for them if we did not date.
Some how though my heart screams to my head,
It screams out and wrenches my emotions.
I feel as if no matter what it would be better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.
So there I am stuck, I just want to write a letter and make sure she knows how much I feel for her.
It isn't the first time I've felt this way about some one.
I guess it won't be the last,
But I feel a strong sense that I have to let her know.
That some one loves her unconditionally.
That I don't care if the love is returned,
It does not matter if she returns that love or not.
But she needs to know I feel this way,
That I would be happy to do anything I could for her,
and if that love was returned, my love would never stray.