i dont play games little girl

Aug 05, 2004 07:40

no u know wut amanda FUCK YOU! go cry to ur pegged legged mother again or ur cunt of a friend kalli or ur whore of a friend courtney. y'all are immature and need to grow up

Ok Christina im not gonna sit here and play your childish games. But let me let u in on a few things

1. lets look back on your highschool career.
Making fun of people were u obviously have no right to because i dont think u ever took a look into your own pathetic life. Telling on people just to try to get them suspended so they wouldnt kick your ass cause quite frankly u know we all would. Whose the pussy now bitch. hahah

2. Hiding behind mommie and daddie when u got scared. Cause your too much of a pussy ass bitch to do anything on your own. Mommie Mommie amanda made fun of me lets get her suspened. LOSER u must run to your family cause u strive for attention that you obviously not getting and causing drama is your way of getting it.

3. Mulitple personailty disorder much. Makin up screen names pretending to be other people when quite frankly we arent that dumb we dont realize it. wow u suck at life

4. Holding on the the fact that your good ol' cousin nathan is your best friend. Bitch i remember when i was a sophmore and u gave me a picture of him in a heart frame on my birthday like it came from him or something, when i in fact had never met the kid. BUt oh when i actually talked to him online the only thing he said was u had a cousin didnt know who i was but he barely ever talked to u. mmmhmm all makes sense. Yet again u lie to get attention.

5. you lie to make friends. no thats some twisted shit. your life sucks so bad that u lie to impress people but when they discover the real u. You TRY to brutely attack them in hopes that they will dissappear and not tell anyone your dirty lil secret.

6. You make fun of peoples families. Do we turn around and make fun of yours. JEALOUSY IS THE ROUTE OF ALL EVIL.
your jealous because we all have what u dont a lovin and caring mother and father. But its not your fault that no one loves u that u have to move out of your own house when your 16. yeah u have a real future ahead of yourself.

7. ATTACKING MY FAMILY. Oh honey you are in for a reality check. Nice try fuckin with my family cause baby u cant fuck with them. My aunt is almost 30 years old with 2 kids under her belt do u think shes gonna give a shit what a lil bitch like u has to say. No she dont

8. u fight with everyone online and never have to balls to say it to their faces. Wow i can only imagine if me courtney and amanda were all together and we ran into u. How fun it would be to watch your fat ass try and ran away. haha i laugh at other peoples misery.

No honey i aint gonna spend my whole day makin fun of you, but i will tell u this.

Callin me a cunt is in fact calling me a pussy. Well lets check the stats here. Whose the one hiding behind her computer screen eating ho hos. It aint me. Who's the one scared to say somethin to my face it aint me.
Lets take a big wiff cause the only pussy i smell around here is your stank ass.

Amanda and Courtney u know i got your back.

And lastly im gonna do what your last name tells me to do christina -smackabitch- hahaha
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