Jun 11, 2005 05:57
Hmm...what do guyz want. is it the sex? Is every conversation and relationship that starts between two people jus automatically going to resolve down to sex? What is it that guyz like about gurlz? What makes them stay in a relationship and when suddenly those three words that slide out of the couples mouth (yes we all know the three worded phrase)always seem to resolve in a break up, eventually. It seems that every couple begins with the lovey-dovey i-wont-ever-leave-you phase but in weeks, and if you're lucky, months those words crumble, either get said less and less or is twisted and forced. Keep in mind im not anaylitical, and no everyone of my entries wont be this way, but im just confused....do guyz like gurls for the lil dimples that arise when they laugh, their cute personality, smile, eyes, what? what is it? or is it simply a matter of curves?? Perhaps it's how much a girl will do , or rather how far they'll go with the guy. Is a guyz deffinition of love based on how far a gurl will go with them? Now i can myself argue that love is when you envision yourself with the person next to you sixy yrs from now...can all of you guyz, and gurlz, that pronounce the phrase "i love you" imagine having to feed the person ur with when they get old, pushing him/her in a wheelchair, looking at the old wrinkly n saggy body but still see what you saw in him/her when you were in high school? if not, dont say it, in my opinion that's what love is...but i would b interested in hearing yours. Anywho if all u men out there can inform me what u want...what stuns and what u admire about a gurl,b it looks personality...or sex, I'd, strangely enough, be interested. :D (psst this thought isnt jus for the guyz u know gurlz, ur opinion counts too lol)