The senior card party was kinda odd but it doesnt matter anyway...
And since I cant think of any other way of expressing myself in this journal, heres one of my daily rants only its a convo with my Kisame Ann.
BeastlyANBUDemon: Holy shit, you missed the insane fun last night
the doomturtle: Wah.
the doomturtle: Tell?
BeastlyANBUDemon: Well, it involved me getting high off 'air' while I had full access to my tablet on MSN... while listening to Micheal Jackson, Thriller.
the doomturtle: ...fuuuun
BeastlyANBUDemon: Check NGT_crack and you'll see.
BeastlyANBUDemon: I can't wait to see if the critic wrote back <3
the doomturtle: critic?
the doomturtle: OH!
the doomturtle: yeah
the doomturtle: sorry
the doomturtle: I'm dumb
BeastlyANBUDemon: No no it's arlight.
BeastlyANBUDemon: And... no he hasn't.
the doomturtle: Ugh, I've been so overworked
BeastlyANBUDemon: You're not alone... I woke up this morning and I FINALLY had some spare time to look in the mirror?... The only way I can explain this is that I'm getting 'Gaara eyes'.
the doomturtle: I need a day planner
BeastlyANBUDemon: I havent had a chance to look at my reflection in two weeks. I haven't had a decent nights sleep in two weeks. SHIT, I haven't had a real sit down normal meal besides from school lunch on two weeks!
BeastlyANBUDemon: I always get them but then never used them...
BeastlyANBUDemon: Get a palm piolt, it beeps off when you need to do something. Better then a little paper book.
the doomturtle: hm... how much are they?
BeastlyANBUDemon: Cheapest one I can think of is about 100 or more?
BeastlyANBUDemon: Radio Shack might have them, and if not then a better bet is Circut City, their prices are more fair and less pricey.
the doomturtle: Hm
the doomturtle: I might get one
BeastlyANBUDemon: <3
the doomturtle: I mean, geez. I am so overbooked
BeastlyANBUDemon: From the lack of online time it would seem so, love.
the doomturtle: Yeah, but things will go back to normal after this weekend
BeastlyANBUDemon: For me as well, I have next week off? Thank god, I need the rest.
the doomturtle: I have... 2 weeks till finals
BeastlyANBUDemon: I just had my midterms today, and to be perfectly honest with you I failed them all. Since last week I've been so screwed over I haven't had a chance to sleep, let alone study.
the doomturtle: then I've got about a month off before summer semester starts
BeastlyANBUDemon: I'm failing this marking period for sure.
the doomturtle: ...Ouch
the doomturtle: WHat went wrong?
BeastlyANBUDemon: My mornings went to hell.
BeastlyANBUDemon: See, me being a senior (finally) I dont have to go into school intil 10am. Everything was perfect, I slept late, I had a shower, I ate breakfast... Heaven.
BeastlyANBUDemon: But then these motherless cockers came to our school and did a servey about how bad our hallways are AFTER the bell rings (how many kids wander around). And with that, a notice went out.
BeastlyANBUDemon: The notice was to warn all students and parents that if their student is late to school (8:05) 3 times, they well get suspended as well if they are caught in the hallways after any bells without a pass.
the doomturtle: wtf
BeastlyANBUDemon: Now, this didnt relate to me seeing as I dont need to come in until 2 hours later. So, I didnt see any harm and went in as I normally would.
BeastlyANBUDemon: Entering Hell alittle too much these days?
BeastlyANBUDemon: Since I live in NYC, no adult trusts any student under 21 and so we have to go through 'scanning' every morning, bags and ourselves seperated...
BeastlyANBUDemon: Now I would get to school 15mins early for class, everyday... but since the new 'rules' went into effect, the scanning lags and even if I'm within the building BEFORE the bell, I get sent to inhouse(aka detention) and get a phone call home, as well as a letter.
BeastlyANBUDemon: I got two already, one more and I get suspended a week.
the doomturtle: That's bullshit
BeastlyANBUDemon: I tried to work it all out saying that my day doesn't start until 10 but no one cares and just tosses me aside like I'm just another retarded teenager. So I went to the head Dean and told him my 'sob story', he said show your program, which I did... Nothing.
BeastlyANBUDemon: So I went to the main office and asked and got into such a nice and snippy conversation with this woman and all she could (sarcasticly) say was "Tsh, just come to school eariler"
the doomturtle: So, what are you supposed to do for the hours of no classes?
BeastlyANBUDemon: I asked that as well, and she didn't answer me- she 'dismissed' me and went back to her 'work'...
the doomturtle: Fucking moron
BeastlyANBUDemon: So now I come into school two hours ahead of time... first period I sit in the senior lounge and help the senior advisor (Baumann-sensei<3) and then when she has a class second period, I sit in the libary and check around LJ for about 45mins.
BeastlyANBUDemon: But the point of the matter is that I am a senior, I shouldn't be treated like that and this should be my 'easy' year.
the doomturtle: Well, Baumaan-sensei knows what's up... perhaps she could appeal on your behalf?
BeastlyANBUDemon: She has, I'm not the only one with this problem... around three of my senior friends are along with me for this ride and we're all suffering for the morons below us (freshman etc. etc.)
the doomturtle: I'd be sooo pissed
BeastlyANBUDemon: I'm too exhausted to be pissy or fight back for that matter... but now that I'm looking this all over? It makes sence, I'm being punished for my freshman year.
the doomturtle: eh?
BeastlyANBUDemon: I used to cut class all the time and smoke pot all day but still pass.
BeastlyANBUDemon: I'm suffering now and being forced to make up all that work I never earned in freshman year.
BeastlyANBUDemon: (insert one insane tossing-your-head-back laughter)
BeastlyANBUDemon: Ah, life does come full circle and ends up biting you in the ass- doesn't it?
the doomturtle: always
the doomturtle: even when you think you've escaped it
BeastlyANBUDemon: I thought I did last term, but this extra year is proving that I got something attached by the jaws on my ass.
the doomturtle: Ouch... hopefully it will end soon?
BeastlyANBUDemon: 'If' I pass all of my regents then yes, I will be finally graduating on time..
the doomturtle: pass!
BeastlyANBUDemon: I'm trying, seriously- I've been passing all of my classes at once (which I have never done since 8th grade).
the doomturtle: Yay!
BeastlyANBUDemon: ^_^
annnnd yeah thats about it O_o;;; I wanna beg my mother for the extra few bucks so I can 'talk' with Val <3 <3 <3 XDD