Jan 04, 2005 16:48
Ooops. I didn't get to write yesterday, mostly because I spent the day hanging out with Manoj. I also was so excited about the package I got from Ronnie that I pretty much forgot about everything else. That put me in the best mood! A dinosaur puppet that roars, a box of chocolate covered cherries (like the ones he gave me at the Christmas party) and the best part was the card. "Just thinking about you on your birthday... and... every other day." I think watching all those romantic comedies has totally paid off for him! I have to hold something at night, otherwise I can't go to sleep. Last night it was the dinosaur, who I named "Dur", since Ronnie's last name is Durham. A note to anyone who is reading this: DON'T EVER TELL ANYONE I SLEEP WITH STUFFED ANIMALS! I mean, sleep with as in holding, by the way. If/when Alex reads that sentence, I know that his dirty lil' mind will corrupt it!! (Love you, Alex:) Anyway, hung out with Manoj for a long ass time by the railroad, and I think we've finally gotten things back to normal. HALLELUJA!! Speaking of which, my birthday ended up not being so terrible as I originally thought. Nathan and Manoj stopped by, and Nathan bought me Volume 3 of Aqua Teen Hunger Force. I have recently realized the amazing coolness of that show. I thought he was giving it to me as a birthday gift, but it turns out neither of them even knew it was my birthday! It was a late Christmas gift. They didn't figure out it was my birthday until Cliff dropped by later that night with a gift. Kind of funny because I spent the whole day with those two last year on my birthday. I feel so guilty that people are buying me stuff for my birthday. It's so close to Christmas, and I'm sure they're all broke as it is! Note #2 to anyone reading this entry: Next year, no birthday gifts. Too expensive. Anyway, the three of us went to eat at Red Dragon, that new Chinese restaurant, and argued about debate the entire time. About how LD is becoming more and more like policy, and how that sucks. Well, Manoj and I thought it sucked, Nathan was all for the change. CXers. Can't argue with 'em, can't kill 'em either. Tonight should be fun, too. Ajai, Paul, Nick and Jeff are going to crash here for the night on their way back from Roswell, New Mexico. I've hardly gotten to talk to them over the break, so I'm excited to see some Austin faces! I just hope they're not expecting a huge house, like when they stayed with Gibbe in Dallas. Ours is a small house, but it's mine and I like it. Geez. Just all around happy today. Plus, I read Alex's journal, which he FINALLY wrote in again. I've been needing the entertainment. And that put me in good spirits. Such a nice guy, and sometimes I'm not sure if he even realizes his own awesomeness. Oh well. I'm going to try to maintain this mood for as long as possible. With that said, I shall exit this livejournal. Getting tired, and need to finish cleaning my room before the guys get here.