Free acoustic concert 3.7.09
3.7.09 Garden Grove, Ca
Buzznet/Smartpunk/atticus presents…
This Century, Runner Runner, a rocket to the moon, the maine
(rough) Set lists
The Maine
- this is the end
-we all roll along
- into your arms
- I must be dreaming
- this is the end
- whoever she is
- the way we talk
- everything I ask for
-If Only You Knew
-Fear Of Flying
-Rascal Flatts / Taylor Swift Cover
- mish-mash of older songs
-Just another One
So um, sunburn in march? Clearly I’m living in the twilight zone.
This story needs a little background, I was driving the whole, two-three blocks between my school and my apartment when my car started making this really weird sound. I’m all huh, wonder what that is? It got worse as I went and by the time I was pulling into my complex, I’d figured out I had a flat tire. >.> Considering my brother & my father working in the auto industry, I never ever had to do anything car-related and I felt so fucking pathetic on the phone with my brother all “WTF do I do?!”. Luckily for me someone walked by and was willing to do it for me.
But anyway, so I got up at 7 today so I could go and get my tire done in time to make this show. I stopped at CVS for energy drinks/breakfast and I got there around 9. [ I went back to sleep for an hour when they told me tires would get done in half an hour]. So I get there and he tells me it’ll be half an hour. I go sit down, explain to my brother & father what happened and promptly get bitched at. Whatever. So I’m waiting. … and waiting. It’s ten o’clock and my car is still fucking sitting where I parked it with the donut on it. Ten thirty comes and I’m started to get a little panicked. I walk up and the guys all wtf? Why are you still here… he looks outside, sees my car still there and apparently they’d misplaced my ticket and started working on the cars after me. So I’m out of there by 11. I go home, get dressed/do my hair / make up/ grab my camera, etc and get to the place around 11:30. Can’t find a parking place. The street’s full. I go down a block, but was reaaaally nervous about just leaving my car there. But what else could I do?
So I get there, and it’s like this little almost a patio. But it’s all asphalt. So instantly the semi-cold morning we’d been having, fucking at least 90 degrees. Walk up towards the mini-stage and its easily over 100. There was a MSL tent [ though they were selling purses for 30 dollars, or two for 50. WTF? Sorry no that’s an absurd amount to charge in this economy.] There was two atticus’ tents and two smart punk tents and the mini-stage. I looked, but the only band merch available was Runner Runner. WTF. I don’t know why Fearless was smart enough to hand out promo bags, but stupid enough to not bring any kind of merch. Same with FBR. Why no arttm merch? So I walk up to the mini stage and am just shocked by how many fucking kids there were. Literally you can see in my pictures - I felt like the only one eligible for fucking drivers license. It was insane.
So the guy comes and says, he had to get us out of the street, the show’ll start in like, twenty minutes. So we’re waiting and waiting and it’s really fucking hot. I didn’t even move and I was drenched in sweat. There’s no one selling water. No food. No bathrooms. So I wait it out, figuring the uncomfortably - almost dizzy- heat is something I need to get used to here. This Century comes on… I don’t even think they played a song. They were still sound checking when the stage just folded underneath them. Mad props to both of them, neither one of them fell off their stools. They were damn proud of that too. The lead singer was all “holy shit I’m too fat for the stage.” it was kind of funny. But they were… generic. And not a fun generic like TFNB or The Maine. So I figured there was no point in leaving my water in the car. So I trekked out to get it and came back, watched the end of their set and I feel like I say this every time I write one of these, but….
What. The. Fuck.
How does the age drop while the height increases?
You could almost tell who was over 18 because they were so much damn shorter than everyone else.
I was like fourth row and couldn’t see shit. It was pathetic. Also pathetic was how fucking expensive the cameras were around me. I’ve never seen SLR cameras at a show before that wasn’t someone with a photo pass. Yet another difference between Chicago and here I guess. It was insaaaane.
But anyway, so I hang towards the back, sitting on a curb while I wait for the next band. They were called Runner Runner and they didn’t catch my interest either. Instead, the energy drinks made their presence known and I left to hit a McD’s for a restroom before parking in a parking lot by a vacant warehouse adjacent to the one the show was on.
So I walk back, confident there’s nothing else that can go wrong now. I get into a decent spot, I can see… then Runner Runner gets off and the guy comes back .. It’s like, 1:20. He tells us arttm will come on in like twenty minutes. And I just know that’s bs. But I’m still hopeful when 1:40 finaaaaallly rolls around. Yeah. They didn’t come out until about 5 past two.
But oh my god. So worth the wait.
Nick is probably the most adorable thing [the Cab being the only exception]. He walked up there with Matt his new permanent guitarist and just kind of smiled all bashfully and explained that they didn’t have a set list written out and they were just gonna wing it. He was constantly amused by the crooked stage. They opened with If Only You Knew. = ) and I guess during Runner runner’s set, the speaker we were standing by blew out? Or something, but it cut in and out randomly. They restarted that song 3, 4, 5 times before they decided fuck it, they’d sing it anyway. Weirdest feeling ever. It’s like when you’re singing along in the car and the CD skips and you’re belting it out all proudly even though the sound has stopped and then you get the huge-rush of embarrassment. So we finally make it through that song and then of course the cries for “Dakota” come in. and he’s all pshawww no, we gotta save that for last. So then they play Just another One, I think. The order’s fuzzy. It always gets that way. Lol. That was really odd singing it w/ the vocals usually cutting out at the chorus nearly every time. He’s just gaaah. He talked a lot. And it’s funny, he’s from Ma, right? But he loves his country. He had a little accent going on, it was cute. So he pauses asking us what next and people start begging for Taylor Swift, so he starts singing - What Hurts the Most by Rascal Flatts.
I may possibly really love that song. And the music video.
I was one of three singing along. Lmao.
But it was fun!
So then he goes into one of Taylor Swift’s songs. I don’t listen to her. So I don’t know… which it was, but there was this older dude, just breakin’ it down behind Nick singing along and dancing, it was sooo funny. I tried to get a picture of him but the girl in front of me kept jamming her camera in front of mine.
So then he played a mish-mash from older Eps, which made me feel really lame because I knew the songs, I just didn’t know that was him. >.> Oops. They played Fear of Flying before closing with Dakota.
I’m getting tired. I’m getting more and more vague. Lool.
So they get off and it’s a wait for the Maine, naturally. But not as long. All the bands had stood at this point, because the stage was useless. Except for the Maine, of course. John and Jared both sit down and we’re all… no fucking way. Cos you can’t see shit with four -five rows of people in front of you. We’re pleading with him to stand up and he’s all “yeah no. It’s too fucking hot.”
>.> You’re from az, stfu.
Then he gives the real truth and he’s hung over as fuck and thinks he’ll pass out if he stands up. Which normally would piss me off, but it’s the Maine, so it was oddly okay. I still got some decent pictures of them. They opened with a song that I knew, but it was all, wtf, really? It might have been “This is the End”. I know they played that song, I just don’t remember when.
The whole set was just… awesome. I love those boys. I don’t love their fans. This girl literally…brought a ring and asked John to marry her. He’s all, “wait what? Are you serious? Are you even 18? You’re totally lying…”
It was aaaaawkward. Seriously. Let the boys just play music. You don’t need to scream I love you because you don’t know the words. He’s not even that attractive. He’s just a lead singer so they’re like throwing themselves at him. It’s weird. But he’s a good front man. He makes me laugh. He’s so used to real shows though, it was freaking him out we were just standing there watching him. I swear people were passing out left and right all day and of course, one of the girls went down and John freaked out. Jared tried to launch into a story then, but John interrupted and wasn’t going to let him tell it, then finally told it himself. It really wasn’t equal to the build up, but it was still funny. Definitely a you-had-to-be-there thing, though. They sang two songs they’ve only sung once or twice acoustically before and that was We all roll along and into your arms. Both beautiful songs and it was awesome.
Except for the whole skipping-cd shit that still wasn’t resolved by the time they took the stage.
I don’t know. I love the Maine. I’m not ashamed. I’m thinking maybe I shouldn’t pass up the ap tour >.>
We’ll see how it goes. I’m so fucking sore. I’m not sure how next week is going to go. At least those are indoors.