Dec 03, 2003 00:27
Confused Fur:
steadies himself for the consuming flood of 2 consecutive performing weeks
"prepare to die, CF" says the world, to me...
got performances of "the Boyfriend" starting tomorrow... had our last dress rehearsal and without exception, the whole cast sucks... it will be... amusing... to say the least to do it in front of anyone in this state
then, going to see the darkness on friday, yay...
then more performance
then a bell choir carol service on sunday
then another on tuesday
then a St Georges medical school interview on wednesday (HOW COOL IS THAT... i got my first interview for med school)
then... oh yeah, minor surgery on mein foot.... next day....
so... busyness...
but... am still trying to keep in the drawing game (did two sketches tonight)... and the whole schoolwork shit... -_- (no point getting an offer for med school if you fail the A levels, CF...)
keep moving forward, keep progressing....
Somewhere on the MUCK, Confused_Fur has disconnected