Confused Fur:
sees things happen rather fast
erm... well... like it says... i need a new moderator to help me with this
fur_philosophy community i made since
sadieyah erm... got a little steamed about the direction i wished to take it in...
right, so, the invitation is open to the majority of those who read this... i guess, based on the experiences of a couple of minutes ago... (in which my first co-mod and i had a difference of opinion) there should be some kinda communication between me and possible mods before hand so that there's no more dramatic leavings in a huff...
SadieyahOnceMore: ::pounce:: Boy! I got lots of comments.
AubergeineKing: yuh... erm... i'm not sure i'm happy
AubergeineKing: i rather wanted to avoid incendiary brandings etc. so early on
AubergeineKing: i don't mean to be rude... sorry
SadieyahOnceMore: ::shrug:: Wasn't rude.
SadieyahOnceMore: It wasn't as much about the labels as the importance of reality.
SadieyahOnceMore: To me!
SadieyahOnceMore: Perhaps you might've gotten more discussion had you gone a little more in depth?
SadieyahOnceMore: ~chuckles~ It always helps if you say something people can agree or disagree to.
AubergeineKing: it's just... as mods, i reckon we need to remain somewhat more impartial to the actual debate... my idea was that the mods would be like referees who would also initiate new avenues of debate
SadieyahOnceMore: Well then unmod me. That's no fun.
AubergeineKing: that's not the idea at all {feels like a fool} i should've talked to you about this before... i guess i rather rushed into it ^_^
it's not necessarily the opinions you put forth.... but the force with which you do so
SadieyahOnceMore: Well, that's just my personality. So?
SadieyahOnceMore: Most philosophers are very convicting. Have you ever read any philosophy?
SadieyahOnceMore: Maybe I should just leave.
AubergeineKing: yes i have... and i relaise that they are... however whereas they argue points logically and clearly, generally remaining as objective as possible, you've come in very strong and damning.... i guess that's my point.... you've lost your objectivity
SadieyahOnceMore: ... Philosophy is subjective by nature!
AubergeineKing: which from my philosophical view, is of paramount importance
SadieyahOnceMore: Nevermind. I'm not going to argue. I'll just delete my posts and leave. Again.
AubergeineKing: ACH
AubergeineKing: that's SO not my intention
AubergeineKing: to make you do that
AubergeineKing: is there no way to avoid confrontation like this?
SadieyahOnceMore: I'm not getting in another fight. Maybe one day, I will find a community that can handle my strong opinions and well-debated ideas, but today wasn't that day. Even though I was having great fun with the other members.
AubergeineKing: look, there's really no need for this...
AubergeineKing: did i come out all guns blazing and delete your posts?
AubergeineKing: nein, because i was merely trying to open a channel of discussion
AubergeineKing: of course, you must use your own discretion in the matter
SadieyahOnceMore: Which would be what? You don't want me being forceful? Or opinionated? I should just be passive and conformist?
SadieyahOnceMore: ::mutter::
AubergeineKing: not at all...
SadieyahOnceMore: Well, then... what was the problem?
SadieyahOnceMore: You said it was the force with which I asserted my opinion. (You don't want me being forceful?) And that you didn't want labels so soon discussed. (Or opinionated?) The idea that you'd ask me not to discuss certain things, or ask me to discuss them a certain way, is in and of itself, asking me to be conformist. And I don't see how you could suggest such a thing and not expect a confrontation...
SadieyahOnceMore: Now. Give me a second so I can copy my posts, as I'd like to keep them... and I'll be on my way.
AubergeineKing: ok, how's this for a solution
AubergeineKing: and by the way, i take the blame for this, for being overly hasty and not talking to you beforehand
AubergeineKing: you, do whatever you think is right with regards your place in the comm... but... just consider coming back one day... see how things are... i'll keep a place open for you as a mod
AubergeineKing: i'm not trying to fight you... you seem to have had bad experiences with such in the past as have made you fairly defensive
i think she stopped speaking after that...
and i thought i was being good and non-confrontational... ahh well....
i bear her no ill will
so, i guess i should note that an ability to be somewhat impartial is important
nonetheless, there be the offer...
somewhere on the MUCK, Confused_Fur has disconnected