Nov 07, 2003 07:16
Confused Fur:
picks up his jaw...
ok, i said to somefur the other day that i had just bought the liong king special edition DVD, and how interested i was to see it for the first time since i had realised my fur... to see if my opinions of it had changed at all...
well, let me tell you, right now, this is being typed by a very surprised tiger (but in a good way) having watched the lion king, i realise once more that fur isn't just about yiffing and the social aspect (probably not news to most, but hey, it's my journal, right =p) there is something far deeper... maybe it's just the movie itself and nothing to do with the fur of it all, but i found that it oddly stirring in a way that movies seldom reach me...
maybe, it was that i felt, when i bought it, and this is going to sound silly, that i was just buying it to fit in, to conform with general furry traits... to buy and enjoy the anthropomorphic classic disney... and that there was little real desire for it on my part... i guess i felt that it didn't have anything to say, really, but it'd be a good lesson in anthropomorphic drawing, that i'd just watch it to help teach me out of an artistic slump...
but on watching... all my doubts were forgotten.
maybe it was that i hadn't seen it for such a long time (when it first came out i belive) an maybe i should stop supposing and trying to explain it away and intead get to the point...
which is... it stirred me,
the humour, the sadness, the story, the exultant joy, the message... the beauty of the art... (and yes, i've decided i do consider it art)
it reminded me (as perhaps i had forgotten), that being furry, the fandom, isn't just about drawing sexy anthros to get everyone off (not that that's a bad thing necessarily) but equally there's something far deeper... which evoked such a strong response which i have yet to adequately explain
it felt strong and idealistic and pure and generally pretty life affurming (ahem, sorry =p)...
and to think, in the midst of my yiff crazed pr0n obsession, i almost forgot the love =p
i know it was melodramatic, but minor revalation's always like that for me...
ever the n00b
Somewhere on the MUCK, Confused_Fur has disconnected