Aug 03, 2004 00:02
god i miss devin so much. it breaks my freggin heart. worked thrus then hung out with laura aaron and jon we got ice cream and bulllshitted. i got mine and devins kitty on friday. her names bella it means beautiful. i love her. shes soooo much damn work tho. gee wiz. i went shoppin friday went nust at abercrombie. it was nice. hung out wtih my pops. sat i worked seen todd and stoped my robs to show him the kitty. he was sooo fucekd up it was funny. n today i worked visited my tudy butt worked again and then came home and passed the fuck out. i jsut want devin to come home. i hate that he is always gone and all this bullshit. ugh its so upsetting. i just want to hang out with him everyday like we always did. i pray to god he gets out on friday. but i think im goign to need a miracle for that one.
i love you devin.
more then words can say
always me n you
sevin weds
Canada thrus
tonic sun