Jan 18, 2005 12:14
I DID it, i went to AAW and i dropped out, or my mom did it for me. i sorta snuck off and saw everyone, although i didnt see the people i wanted to see. Rob wasnt there, Lynda was MIA, Kalonji...now him i didnt really want to talk to him, just see if he'll talk to me, Annie i couldnt interupt class. but whatever i saw Lauren, and Michelle and Emma, and Joenelle. omfg joenelle is so fucking whatever i miss her. Last nite when i was sitting here, thinking (and ive also come to the conclusion i think too much) and i really miss rob. Ya know and now it could work out, if he just got his fucking license. he could spend the nite, here i could spend the nite there. it could work out. and i thought about it too but robs the biggest compitition anyone that wants to date me has. Yea i was in love with todd, no doubt and yea id always want todd but ill never ever go back to him, Now Rob, thats a different situation, because i would get back with rob. he was the most wonderful guy in the world...when we were together, but so was todd...so i thought. Never mind maybee i wouldnt get back with any of them they are my EX for a reason right. i go through periods where i think of my ex's and i have to friends, one that yells at me for thinking about todd, and one that yells at me for rob (you know who you are...). My friends got myback.
So Anyways whatever. im whatever, its all whatever, whatever. I love the word whatever. its just whatever, and thats hott... and blah blah blah. i want to be a mix between simple life, clueless, and never been kissed. those are some great movies. Im hott and airheaded like paris, nicole and cher, and diona dn Tye, but im also sometimes smart/stupid like josey from never been kissed and i wanna be a writer. im a freak i know but whatever. im gonana write a fun book about it. ya know and maybee it can be the best stellar movie that people watche when they have sleep overs or is on Usa on the weekends and blah blah blah!